Cole Gilman's Medical Fund
My name is Jeremy Singletary, I am Cole Gilman's best friend and brother.
As many of you know Cole was involved in a bad car accident Monday evening around 10:30pm off of Banks road in Fayetteville. He was found trapped in his truck with the truck starting to catch fire. A brave and amazing man named Preston West tried to put the fire out any way he knew how while Police were on the way. The Fayette County Fire Dept & EMS team quickly got Cole out of the truck and rushed him to AMC where he has been ever since.
Cole has suffered a badly broken leg and a brain injury where there was swelling and bleeding in his brain. He has been in the ICU at AMC under the care of amazing doctors.
We have set this account up to help raise money for Cole's medical expenses as he does not have health insurance at this time. With a long road to recovery upon waking up, he will need all the help we can offer.
The money raised will be used strictly for Cole's medical expenses and recovery.
Donate as often as you can, small or big amounts, it does not matter. Every little bit will help.
This means a lot to his family and friends because Cole has so much to live for. His family and friends love him and I know for a fact how much he loves all of us. We are all just one big family.
His family would be so appreciative of any support. Please continue to pray/wish/think happy thoughts for Coles recovery and for his family.
Update: Cole's mom Terri will be using the funds to continue Coles care at AMC. He is such a fighter and so strong. Please continue to pray for him and his family during this time.
Also here is the link to his story on CBS46: CBS46 Story
Thank you,
Jeremy Singletary