Prayers for Ferguson Family Tragedy
Details are sketchy right now but I know several people have expressed the desire to help Arizona and Savanah in whatever way they can. This will be a place for the friends and family of Bill and Breanne to place money intended to help the girls until details can be sorted out. Above all these two little girls have lost both of thier loving, devoted parents and they need whatever support we can give them. Please join me in prayers for the entire Ferguson and Wigginton families in this unthinkable and difficult time.
Edited: 10/15/2016: In the interest of closing this campain out so that the Wiggington Family can begin to gather needed items to start fresh with Arizon and Savanah, I have been asked to update this page and provide updated information to those who have donated.
Transparency is always the best policy and we ask that you include the following information in your campaign description:
1. Who you are:
My husband Darren and I were co-workers and close friends of both Breanne and Bill.
2. Where you're from:
We currently live in North Carolina, but am originally from the Sacramento Area.
3. Your relationship to the parties you're raising funds for:
Originally this Gofund me was started as news of the tragic loss of both Bill and Breanne just started to trickle in. Being so far separated from them in Arizona, we were devastated and feeling very powerless to help. Since we have so many coworkers and friends accross the country we felt this would be an easy, transparent way to collect those funds. To Arizona and Savanah we are simple long friends of mommy and daddy from on the computer. But to us, Breanne and Bill were incredible friends and are dearly missed every day. We know that Breanne and Bill would have moved heaven and earth to help care for our boys if suddenly we were no longer here to do so.
4. How the funds will be spent (be specific as possible):
These funds will be going to Ralf and Jouce Wiggington, the maternal Grandfather and Step-Grandmother of both Savanah and Arizona. They are in the process of moving to AZ to finalize obtaining full custody of both the girls. There is little that these two little girls have left from thier original home with Bill and Breanne, so I have asked that the money donated be used to set up new rooms, clothing items, toys and school gear for the girls to have during this incredibly hard time of transition. After my discusions with them I have every confidence that the money will be used to the betterment of the girls both physically and emotionally.
5. How you intend to get the funds to those in need:
I will be mailing them the funds directly from the GoFund me page. I do not intend on ever having personal posession of or touch this money in any way. This funds are a generious gift for Arizona and Savanah and thier legal guardian to try and start them off on the best foot possible in this now life they have begun.
Please feel free to email any questions or concerns directly to me
[email redacted]