Trevor's Fontan (Heart) Surgery Fund
This is Trevor. A hockey-playing-and-loving, energetic, 4-year-old. Trevor loves the Spartans, and the Red Wings and the Rampage. Trevor also likes to run and play just like any other 4-year-old but there is something that holds him back. Trevor has a congenital heart defect called double inlet left ventricle. The condition is seen in the photo below.
DILV Information and Procedures
Trevor's condition has resulted several surgeries in order correct his defect as best as current surgical procedures allow. He currently has what should hopefully be his last procedure called a Fontan which is explained in the link above.
My wife Kristin and I recently discovered that his insurnace will not cover the entire procedure which can cost around $80,000 not to mention the bills that tend to stack up while we are in the hospital for close to a month.
I also will be between jobs at the time of at the time of his procedure so having a way to make ends meet will be absolutely crucial.
I ask any and all of you to please help us and especially Trevor out in his and our time of need.
This is for Trevor. The little boy with the big (but malformed) heart!