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Help for Arlina Fox/Ken Lo

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On July 1st, my brother Kenneth Whitaker was murdered execution style near Englewood Elementary School in Chicago,Illinois. He was on his way home from work when he was shot 3 times in the head. He had 3 children that are now without a father. He was a fun loving man that kept to himself and spent time with his family. He was found dead on the sidewalk after someone called the police after hearing the shots. I'm not one that's quick to ask for help but he didn't have insurance and I am asking that you all find it in your hearts to donate anything that you can. We appreciate anything that will help us put him to rest. I know you all didn't know him and have your own issues, but know that the help is greatly cherished. All we want to do is be able to give him a proper going away.


Arlina Fox
Somerville, TN

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