Vivian (preemie) is here,Amber is fighting cancer!
Hi Loved Ones,
We have an update. Vivian is here with us earth side and is a preemie in NICU. She was born via an emergency c-section at 32 weeks.
Vivian is getting excellent care at OHSU NICU. Amber and Ethan have been staying in Portland and have been in NICU as much as possible to spend time with Vivian.
We got some tough news. The surgeons found cancer in Amber during the emergency c-section.
Amber will be starting chemo treatment at OHSU in 2-3 weeks while Vivian remains in NICU until Vivian is ready to go home.
At this time, doctors are saying Amber’s course of treatment will take about a year or more.
During this time, Amber will not be able to work. We would be so grateful for any donation you can make to help keep our family going.
This is way to extend help and keep us focused on Vivian and Amber being able to rest and heal as she’s getting chemo treatments. She is worried about not being able to work for the next year on top of everything else.
We thank you all for standing with us and helping in this way. We can’t thank you all enough for the compassion, love, and support through GoFundMe that you are giving. It is truly making a difference in our stress levels and allowing us to stay financially and also emotionally peaceful during such a challenging time.
Donations will be used for Amber’s portion of the mortgage payment, food, medical expenses, and gas commuting into Portland.
If you do not want to use the GoFundMe platform, Amber does have other handles that do not take a percentage of the donations.
Venmo: @amberblasco
PayPal: [email redacted]
Zelle: Amber’s cell number
Thank you all for any support you can give. This will give us so much peace of mind and focus.
With Gratitude,
Amber, Ethan, Iain, & Vivian Douglass
Hi Loved Ones,
As many of you may have read on Facebook, the Douglass family is facing a very trying time.
Amber has a high risk pregnancy and will soon be hospitalized an hour away from home to receive the best of care. She is not working now and won’t be able to work for a while.
Due to Covid restrictions, the hospital will only allow one designated visitor the entire stay, and that will be Ethan. Iain will not be able to visit, as he is too young to be immunized yet, and the hospital is strict with the one visitor rule. This alone is a hard situation to face for such a close knit family who is rarely apart outside of working/school.
Ethan will be working overtime when it’s available to help cover expenses, but there’s no way for him to do it all between working and solo parenting. All of our loved ones work onsite. We have one close chosen family friend who works remotely, and she will be flying in to help take care of Iain for 3 weeks so he is able to complete kindergarten while Ethan works.
We are doing everything we can, but it’s just not enough.
If you feel inclined, your help would be deeply appreciated. If there’s anything we’ve realized throughout all of this, there is no way to get through difficult times completely on your own. The love, support, and encouragement from friends and family is truly what is needed to help with a tough situation that painted us into a corner.
This fundraiser will go toward groceries, food on the go, part of our mortgage (due to Amber being unable to work), gas to and from the hospital, and medical bills, so our sweet Vivian (when she graduates from NICU) can come home to everything we’ve been able to build so far as a family.
Thank you dearly in advance for any help you can give. This will make such a huge difference in our lives and in our stress levels as we face one of the most scary and difficult situations we’ve ever faced in life.
And yes, scared is what we are feeling, but brave is what we doing (thanks to your love and support).