Help Matt Lemke Cover Gen Con
Donation protected
Who Am I?
Hello everyone I'm Matt Lemke. I have a wife, Lisa, and three children, Joshua, David, and Deborah, and they're a huge part of why I do what I do. I am a passionate gamer who loves this industry and loves to give back to it. I use my blog Through Gamer Goggles as a vessel to communicate to the world with all types of media.
What's This For?
I need a little money to help offset some travel expenses to Gen Con 2016. I normally work this into a kickstarter for my seasonal coverage, but this year I have a new job which cut into my production time. Knowing this, I decided not to do a Kickstarter for season 5. I made other plans for attending Gen Con, but unscheduled home and vehicle maintenance has infringed on those funds. Now I am asking our community to become a part of Through Gamer Goggles and help me cover Gen Con 2016.
What I Do @ Gen Con
Last year I filmed around 30 interviews! That is a lot for a one man crew. Of course I play games and film some playthroughs as well. Beyond that I try to make new friends and learn more about the industry - it's an amazing place to be. While at Gen Con I try to help as many people as I possibly can by networking. Do you have a game that needs a model sculpted? I might just know that person. But most importantly I am there to report.
This year I have scheduled interviews with:
Jason Bulmahn - Paizo Publishing
James Sutter - Paizo Publishing
Ben Loomes - Syrinscape
Dave Taylor and the CMoN miniatures team - CMoN
Chris Birch - Modiphius Entertainment
Kevin Siembieda - Paladium
Phil Reed - Steve Jackson Game
Privateer Press - James
Tony Gullotti - Arcane Wonders
Jonathan Nelsen - AAW
Jared Miller - CMoN
Dave and Robert - Dream Pod 9
Firelock Games
Legendary Games
End Transmission
Loren Coleman and Jason Hardy - Catalyst Game Labs
Collins Epic Wargame
The Guys from End of Transmission
Shane Ivery - Arc Dream Publishing
Charles Rice - Mayfair Games
Jodi Black - Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Jeff Coombs - Exile Game Studio
Interviews in the works/not confirmed:
Catalyst Game Labs - Randall Bills,
Julie Ahern - GBG
Green Ronin Publishing
Is there anyone you would like me to interview? Is there a game you would like to learn about? Just ask, I will see what I can do!
Why is Gen Con So Important?
For me it's the one US convention you have to cover if you want to make an impact and deliver great news in the industry. Don't get me wrong, the other conventions are important too, but Gen Con is packed full of goodness for every gamer.
However, it's a big expense; for many it's a few thousand dollars, so not everyone can attend. Of those that can attend, only a few take the time and effort to share their experience. That is one of the biggest reasons I do this - so others can experience it too!
How Will I Thank You?
Anyone who gives $5 or more will be listed on my Gen Con 2016 sponsorship wall.
Luchador: Way of the Mask
Luchador: Way of the Mask allows you to take on the persona of a masked wrestler of your own design and grapple with the forces of evil. Champion the common man in the battle against tyranny and corruption. Foil the schemes of the enigmatic Umbral Accord. Stare down the horrors that lurk in the dark. What are you waiting for? Live larger than life!
Don the mask and dive into danger!
Viva la Lucha!
If you are going to GenCon we also have a coupon for you to use at the Spartacus Publishing Booth. Just bring the attached coupon with you and get 20% off your entire purchase.
If you give Through Gamer Goggles $10 or more I will write you a science fiction/fantasy game related Haiku. Something like this one:
Slowly gaining ground.
Gnashing teeth and chewing bones,
Alone; they hunt me.
A $15 or more gift will earn you that haiku printed on a postcard with original art. The art will be themed to the industry. It might not be great art because it might be by me, but it's still art!
$25 or more will get you listed in the closing credits of all my Gen Con coverage as a sponsor.
If you give Through Gamer Goggles $50 or more you will be listed as a producer in the intro and closing credits.
What Happens Once I'm Funded?
I dance a jig in secret, and I prepare for Gen Con - taking all of you with me!
Then I start writing haikus, and preparing for Gen Con.
It has been reccomended to me by a friend that I let this run until the last day of Gen Con. I'm not sure I need to do that, but he made the point that anything beyond the $700 goal can be put towards a new camera that I will be needing in the near future.
In either case I will post regular updates here for all of you to follow.
Thank you for taking the time to explore having a place in the Through Gamer Goggles community.
Hello everyone I'm Matt Lemke. I have a wife, Lisa, and three children, Joshua, David, and Deborah, and they're a huge part of why I do what I do. I am a passionate gamer who loves this industry and loves to give back to it. I use my blog Through Gamer Goggles as a vessel to communicate to the world with all types of media.
What's This For?
I need a little money to help offset some travel expenses to Gen Con 2016. I normally work this into a kickstarter for my seasonal coverage, but this year I have a new job which cut into my production time. Knowing this, I decided not to do a Kickstarter for season 5. I made other plans for attending Gen Con, but unscheduled home and vehicle maintenance has infringed on those funds. Now I am asking our community to become a part of Through Gamer Goggles and help me cover Gen Con 2016.
What I Do @ Gen Con
Last year I filmed around 30 interviews! That is a lot for a one man crew. Of course I play games and film some playthroughs as well. Beyond that I try to make new friends and learn more about the industry - it's an amazing place to be. While at Gen Con I try to help as many people as I possibly can by networking. Do you have a game that needs a model sculpted? I might just know that person. But most importantly I am there to report.
This year I have scheduled interviews with:
Jason Bulmahn - Paizo Publishing
James Sutter - Paizo Publishing
Ben Loomes - Syrinscape
Dave Taylor and the CMoN miniatures team - CMoN
Chris Birch - Modiphius Entertainment
Kevin Siembieda - Paladium
Phil Reed - Steve Jackson Game
Privateer Press - James
Tony Gullotti - Arcane Wonders
Jonathan Nelsen - AAW
Jared Miller - CMoN
Dave and Robert - Dream Pod 9
Firelock Games
Legendary Games
End Transmission
Loren Coleman and Jason Hardy - Catalyst Game Labs
Collins Epic Wargame
The Guys from End of Transmission
Shane Ivery - Arc Dream Publishing
Charles Rice - Mayfair Games
Jodi Black - Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Jeff Coombs - Exile Game Studio
Interviews in the works/not confirmed:
Catalyst Game Labs - Randall Bills,
Julie Ahern - GBG
Green Ronin Publishing
Is there anyone you would like me to interview? Is there a game you would like to learn about? Just ask, I will see what I can do!
Why is Gen Con So Important?
For me it's the one US convention you have to cover if you want to make an impact and deliver great news in the industry. Don't get me wrong, the other conventions are important too, but Gen Con is packed full of goodness for every gamer.
However, it's a big expense; for many it's a few thousand dollars, so not everyone can attend. Of those that can attend, only a few take the time and effort to share their experience. That is one of the biggest reasons I do this - so others can experience it too!
How Will I Thank You?
Anyone who gives $5 or more will be listed on my Gen Con 2016 sponsorship wall.
Luchador: Way of the Mask
Luchador: Way of the Mask allows you to take on the persona of a masked wrestler of your own design and grapple with the forces of evil. Champion the common man in the battle against tyranny and corruption. Foil the schemes of the enigmatic Umbral Accord. Stare down the horrors that lurk in the dark. What are you waiting for? Live larger than life!
Don the mask and dive into danger!
Viva la Lucha!
If you are going to GenCon we also have a coupon for you to use at the Spartacus Publishing Booth. Just bring the attached coupon with you and get 20% off your entire purchase.
If you give Through Gamer Goggles $10 or more I will write you a science fiction/fantasy game related Haiku. Something like this one:
Slowly gaining ground.
Gnashing teeth and chewing bones,
Alone; they hunt me.
A $15 or more gift will earn you that haiku printed on a postcard with original art. The art will be themed to the industry. It might not be great art because it might be by me, but it's still art!
$25 or more will get you listed in the closing credits of all my Gen Con coverage as a sponsor.
If you give Through Gamer Goggles $50 or more you will be listed as a producer in the intro and closing credits.
What Happens Once I'm Funded?
I dance a jig in secret, and I prepare for Gen Con - taking all of you with me!
Then I start writing haikus, and preparing for Gen Con.
It has been reccomended to me by a friend that I let this run until the last day of Gen Con. I'm not sure I need to do that, but he made the point that anything beyond the $700 goal can be put towards a new camera that I will be needing in the near future.
In either case I will post regular updates here for all of you to follow.
Thank you for taking the time to explore having a place in the Through Gamer Goggles community.
Matthew J Lemke
Canton, OH