Please help our mommy
Hi my name is Kyra, im 17 months and this is my lil sister Cata'leya shes 4 weeks. Our mommy was shot and the bad men that did it are still out there. Im asking if you could please help us raise money to help provide diapers and formula for us and to help us get the things 2 growing girls need. Right now our mommy is in the hospital fighting for her life so that she can be around to watch us grow. Please find it in your heart to help! Our daddy is trying to be strong for mommy so we thought the best way we could help is to ask for yours. Please find it in your heart to help! The smallest amount will more than suffice. I'm Jessicas mom Brenda, We live in Jacksonville. I put this campaign together so that her children and herself will have what ever is needed for them while she is getting though this tragic ordeal. The money will go towards diaper, baby wipes, formula and other things that are needed for them like clothes or medicine. I have a green dot card attatched to this account so that the funds can be loaded and the card given to the family.