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Gladys Obregon

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As many of you know Gladis suffered an aneurism in 2014.   She continues to fight each and every day to normalcy. Gladis has a 7 yr old son, Jayden, who is her heart , pride and joy.Since the aneurism Gladis has lived with her sister and brother- in- law who  have been instrumental in supporting Jayden and Gladis so that they  do not feel alone.

She fights daily to ensure that Jayden continues to have a normal childhood and enjoys life to the fullest. She is curently trying to enroll into an After Therapy Program. This program is an intense physical therapy aimed at giving functionality at muscles that have not been ultilzed/working for a a long time. In Gladis case, her left arms, fingers and legs. However, she needs assistance funding the program due to her insurance not covering the cost. Gladis was given the opportunity to attend the program for three days. In the three days, she has been able to to lift  25lb weights and jump rope!. On days that she does not attend therapy at the Sheppard Center, she does lite therapy at home, cooking cleaning and keeping her left arm engaged by doing small movements and walking  around the neighborhood, as recommended by her doctors and therapists. Just giving it all she has each day!!!

Gladis has always been a loving and kind indiviual who who is always willing to help others when she can. She is a very private person who never asks for anything from anyone. She is finally reaching out and she needs our help!! She is very enthusiastic and passionate that this program will assist her to get back to where she was prior to the aneurism.

In the three days that she attended the program she has seen excellent improvements and a burst of energy and motivation to get back to normalcy.  As a friend/colleague, I am reaching out to all of our Target family and friends, lets help her fight back!!! Our goal is to raise enough money for her to attend the Beyond Therapy for 12 weeks. Each session is 2 hrs long, ($100.00 per hour), 3x per week,. Our goal is to raise $7200.


  • Victor Hernandez
    • $25
    • 8 yrs


Anna Ates
Phoenix, AZ

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