Send a Hero Home: Diane Craddock
Today is the day that I lost my hero, my Mom. And before I have no strength left in me, I want to ask you to GoFund her legacy. The 1st lesson I learned from her was the importance of kindness. She always said, “Marcus (Marquell), be nice to people, you never know what they are going through in their life.” Till this day, I take this to heart.
My mom walked this earth with a smile on her face, hoping that it would spread to others and it did. She was my hero, in lieu of a fancy cape, she wore her smile… never taking it off, not even through hardship, pain, and suffering.
Her life’s encounters with medicine showed me what type of physician I wanted to become… during our very last conversation, she talked highly of a doctor that she spotted hugging another patient at one of her asthma check-ins. She stated, “I want that doctor to be my doctor.” The legacy that she leaves urges us all to be human the best way possible, and that a huge and a smile are the best tools to combat life’s adversities. #hugsomeonetoday and #smile #myhero