Caring for Jessica and her family
Caring for Jessica and Mark Boesmiller and their family
Just when you think your life is moving on a pretty perfect path, with a great husband who puts his life on the line not only for his family, but also as a Charlotte and Cornelius Firefighter, two wonderful sons 7 and 9 years old, twins (boy and girl) due near Christmas and a fulfilling job as the Healthy Living Director at the Lake Norman YMCA… life throws you a curveball that takes your breath away.
A simple trip to the eye doctor for blurry vision turned into a diagnosis of Ocular Melanoma. Ocular Melanoma is a rare form of eye cancer. On Thursday, November 30th, a group of doctors at Duke University Medical Center will conduct a biopsy, and once confirmed, Jessica will undergo an enucleation (removal of the eye). The twins are not expected to be endangered and will be closely monitored. With this being such an aggressive cancer, the doctors at Duke will also begin to check to see if it has metastasized (spread). If it has, Jessica and Mark will travel to Philadelphia to see oncology specialists who have vast experience and access to the best clinical trials. Hopefully, Jessica’s scans will be clear and Mark and Jessica will be able to focus on her recovery, a future prosthetic eye, and most importantly, their four beautiful children!
This young family asks for nothing more than the love and prayers of all who hear of their story. Mark graciously gives of his time and talents bagpiping for multiple fire departments and community events; traveling, sometimes great distances and costs, to play for Line of Duty Death funerals.
Jessica remains vibrant and upbeat, often telling her boys that, “everything is going to be alright”. With the holidays upon us, it is truly a reminder of how very precious life is.
As a colleague and friend, I ask for your prayers, but also I ask for your assistance in lessening their burden. Their “out-of-pocket maximum” for 2017 and 2018 are considerable. This paired with all the travel expenses between Charlotte, Duke and Philadelphia, the newborn twins and unplanned time off of work and side jobs will be a great burden on their family. Whatever you are able to give would be greatly appreciated and will be used to help offset medical bills, transportation costs, meals and childcare.
The Crew of Fire Station 38
1 Timothy 2:1 I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.