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World Endurance Championship

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My 10 year old Arabian gelding Indian Reinman and I have been chosen the represent the USA at the World Endurance Championship in Samorin, Slovakia next month.  To help offset the tremendous cost of sending  Reinman, Gina and a crew to the venue I am asking my friends to help. If we can spread the cost burden amoung  the several hundred friends that we all have,  this will be a reality. I am honored and humbled by this experience. The ride was originally scheduled for Dec.  in the UAE but has been moved to Sept. in Slovakia. That doesn't leave us much time but  with all your help I will proudly represent you and the USA. Welcome to Team Hagis and Team USA. I  thank you all!!


  • Paul Sidio
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Tom Hagis
Fries, VA

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