G C Hay - A Place in Makar's Court
Donation protected
The Makar’s Court at Edinburgh Writers’ Museum is an ongoing project to celebrate the lives and works of Scottish writers.
George Campbell Hay/Deòrsa Mac Iain Dheòrsa (1915 - 1984) was an outstanding Scottish poet , and one of the very few ever to write in all three langauges of Scotland; Scots, Gaelic and English.
As such, he deserves the recognition which a commemmorative stone in the Makar's Court would give, and which many of his contemporaries already enjoy.
I am a doctoral student at Scotland's University of the Highlands and Islands, and George Campbell Hay is the subject of my doctoral thesis. I have obtained the approval of the Saltire Society who oversee The Makar's Court for a stone to commemmorate G C Hay to be placed there, and the Court stonemason is currently working on a design for it. The cost will be in the region of £3250.
Fundraising for these stones is normally undertaken by associations devoted to the writer concerned. There is no George Campbell Hay Society to undertake fundraising, so in this instance I am giving some of the money and seeking to raise the rest.
It is hoped that the stone will be ready for unveiling in the autumn. This campaign will run until the end of September. The funds raised are being collected in a dedicated bank account set up for the purpose and will be sent to the appropriate City Museums Officer at Edinburgh City Council at that date.
There are very few things in this world which would lead me to ask other people to help me reach a financial goal. I'm only doing it now because I feel so very strongly that George Campbell Hay more than deserves to be commemorated in this important cultural space, and because I am sure that there are others out there who will agree, and who will welcome this opportunity to assist in bringing this about..
Photo Gordon Wright. I m grateful to Gordon Wright, pulisher and photographer, who has kindly allowed me to use his photograph of Campbell Hay for this campaign.
George Campbell Hay/Deòrsa Mac Iain Dheòrsa (1915 - 1984) was an outstanding Scottish poet , and one of the very few ever to write in all three langauges of Scotland; Scots, Gaelic and English.
As such, he deserves the recognition which a commemmorative stone in the Makar's Court would give, and which many of his contemporaries already enjoy.
I am a doctoral student at Scotland's University of the Highlands and Islands, and George Campbell Hay is the subject of my doctoral thesis. I have obtained the approval of the Saltire Society who oversee The Makar's Court for a stone to commemmorate G C Hay to be placed there, and the Court stonemason is currently working on a design for it. The cost will be in the region of £3250.
Fundraising for these stones is normally undertaken by associations devoted to the writer concerned. There is no George Campbell Hay Society to undertake fundraising, so in this instance I am giving some of the money and seeking to raise the rest.
It is hoped that the stone will be ready for unveiling in the autumn. This campaign will run until the end of September. The funds raised are being collected in a dedicated bank account set up for the purpose and will be sent to the appropriate City Museums Officer at Edinburgh City Council at that date.
There are very few things in this world which would lead me to ask other people to help me reach a financial goal. I'm only doing it now because I feel so very strongly that George Campbell Hay more than deserves to be commemorated in this important cultural space, and because I am sure that there are others out there who will agree, and who will welcome this opportunity to assist in bringing this about..
Photo Gordon Wright. I m grateful to Gordon Wright, pulisher and photographer, who has kindly allowed me to use his photograph of Campbell Hay for this campaign.
Anne Artymiuk