Moving Home
I'm an older sister and a care giver.
My little brother is in the picture with me, he's 15 going on 40. Typical teenager. We're trying to move us and our dad back to Colorado. We moved to Las Vegas at the urging of a now ex friend. That is a long complicated story in and of itself.
My ex was hired by her husband, me? I wasn't because I was too close to the family. Oh the irony. Anyway, I haven't been able to find work. I've been working via Mturk through Amazon, self published five books of poetry. All to try and make some money to make life easier for my dad who is terminal and my brother. Not so much me, I will go without to make sure they're fed and taken care of.
My gramma is trying to help the best she can, but... She's taking care of our mom and older brother who are both in prison. That's another long story. If you want or need to know... Ask, I'll answer. Once I'm back in Colorado, I'll be working again, and that will be e relief! My brother will be with his friends again, he'll be... He'll be happy again.
I've got currently about 70 bucks, and I'm not going to stop working towards my goal for this move! Whether through donations or my saving up money and scrounging... We're moving back.
The money will be used for a moving truck, food & gas on the way, and part of a deposit on a place. I'm hoping to move the end of September that way my dad has his SSDI for the first months rent.
This means... It means to much to be because we'll be with family again, my grandparents are in Denver, my mom is in Denver, my older brother is in Delta. My brother will graduate from the high school he wants to, with his friends.
I will be beyond grateful. I don't know how I would ever express my gratitude.