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Brody Stephens/expenses and savings

Donativo protegido
Brody is a 7 year old boy that is fighting leukemia for the second time in his life. He beat AML when he was 18 months old. 4 years and 11 months later Brody was rediagnosed with ALL leukemia. Brody has basically been in hospital since December of 2015 doing many rounds of chemotherapy to get his body in remission. He is now preparing to go to bone marrow transplant. He is a huge sports fan and loves Basketball and football. One of his dreams is to meet Steph Curry. We are getting closer!!!!
You can follow Brody's progress on FaceBook at "Bubbles for Brody"


  • Pieratt Family
    • $50
    • 8 yrs


Jason Stephens
Indianapolis, IN

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