Amputation for Bruce the cat
Donation protected
Our small 8 month old cat Bruce loves being outside and he loves our dog Petey. He is usually outside at night and comes to our patio door and meows when he wants to come in and sleep in our bed. On Sunday August 14th around 7am we were woken up by a faint meow so we opened the door and called him but he never came. I went to the front door and called him again and he still didnt come. I then decided I would go into the back yard around the deck to see what he was up to. I heard him in the bushes and spotted 2 wide eyes looking up at me. I tried to get him to come but he would not move. I then ripped the fence wire down and opened the bushes to see my cat sitting there in terrible pain with an unrecognizable paw that had been caught in some kind of trap. I picked him up gently so I would not hurt him further and rushed him inside. We immediately called the vets emergency number and got into the car. Once at the vet she confirmed that the damage was irreparable and gave us our two options of amputation or euthanasia. Bruce fought so hard to get out of the trap and live and he is such a sweet loving cat we can not put him down so we opted for the surgery. As anybody who has dealt with the vet knows, vet bills are steep and a limb amputation is no exception. With the emergency visit, surgery and anesthetic, follow up visits and medications we have been quoted well over $2000. This cat is worth every penny and more but we need some help, whether a little or a lot, to take care of these bills. My girlfriend is a full time student and only works part time and I just started a new job. Also if anybody knows of anyone setting up traps for animals in their yard in the Lumby area I would urge you to please call the RCMP or the SPCA animal cruelty line at 1-855-622-7722 so we can resolve this and so no more animals get hurt or killed. Thank you so much!


Casey Neufeld
Lumby, BC