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standfast4truth.org - aymissions.org
“I met George at Northeast Correctional Complex about 3 years ago. I observed George spending countless hours helping other inmates as a G.E.D teacher. He is gifted with patience and teaching others how to find the answers to life's most difficult questions”.
Jeff Thress, Home Improvement Consultant Knoxville, Tennessee
"As the editor of an online newspaper, I have worked with George Joseph Raudenbush III for nearly nine years to tell his story of victimization by the systemically-corrupt Tennessee courts. Through great trials and tribulations, Mr. Raudenbush has remained steadfast in his faith that God's will would be done, including ministering to his fellow man while wrongfully imprisoned for more than two years."
Sharon Rondeau, Editor, The Post & Email Stafford Springs, Connecticut
“I first came to know George Raudenbush in March, 2014, and we soon became good friends. I learned that George has a tireless zeal for helping others, an unflagging optimism, a cheerful and jovial disposition, and is a man of myriad talents, what stands out most of all about him is his faith in and love for Jesus Christ. He exemplifies many of the traits that Jesus said His disciples should have, but often don't have. George is bold for Jesus Christ and wants to see Christ honored and glorified”.
Gene Forrest, Adjunct Photography Professor Knoxville, Tennessee
“George is very eager to serve and is always willing to help. He often does work for people free of charge, just like Jesus did! Jesus can be seen in George's desire to serve many people not just a few. I see a bright future for George as he continues on the high road and refuses to compromise his faith”.
Carl Yoder, Mennonite Community Knoxville Tennessee
“I personally witnessed George Raudenbush under the stress of unbelievable evil that could have permanently damaged or killed him. I observed him as he walked through the valley of the shadow of death. He is a young David against Goliath and has lived to tell about it. I was caused by God to recognize George as one of his servants in a room full of hurting men who all wore the same prison clothes but not the same godly radiance.”
Hank Sorrow, Prison Ministry Volunteer, Pulaski, Tennessee
“From the first day that the Lord sent me to visit George in prison, I have been both impressed and encouraged by his faithful commitment to Christ and his outstanding example of always maintaining a positive attitude in the face of adversity. May the Lord God remember and reward George according to his faith and his perseverance.”
Eric C. Wheeler, Christian Author, Denver, Colorado
George is currently disable due to his many injurys however, he finds the time to volunteer many hours each week in helping youth and the community. George's greatest battle is finding the funds to hire compentent attorneys who will boldly pursue justice exposing the wrong doing and the many attempts to silence George's testimony.
George has stood for truth now lets stand with George!
Here is George's story:
My name is George Raudenbush. At the age of 13, I dedicated my life to follow Jesus while attending Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College as a first year cadet. I knew without any doubt that God had a great plan for my life. I began training to be a missionary when I was 15 years old. My teacher was Dr. Joel Singh under the United Methodist World Counsel. At 18 years of age, I was commissioned as a missionary to Hissar, Haryana, India. During this time God laid this verse upon my heart: (Luke 4:18 quoting Isaiah 61:1).
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed”.
“When you give your life to the Lord to do His will, some people will persecute you and say all manner of evil against you”. Quoted from page 129 of George Akins book, “The Story of George Akins”, mission president, Savannah, Georgia.
Shortly after my commission, I experienced the very words George Akins spoke of, for it is written, “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution”. 2nd Timothy 3:12.
I graduated high school with distinguished honors and went on to further study Early Childhood Education and Family Law in St. Petersburg, Florida.
The Florida State Supreme Court had appointed me as a Guardian Ad Litem in a national high-profile case. It was during my service to the state that I chose not to compromise my Christian morals, beliefs, and values in my official capacity, just as Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore had upheld his Christian views. However, I became greatly disappointed in our judicial system, which is supposed to protect the rights of children. I chose to spend the next few years in medical missions under Dr. Walter Hillard, a well-known Georgia physician who demonstrated his Christian faith and medical practices with astounding results. Under his mentorship I grew closer to the Lord, as my mind and heart were being prepared for more trials and tests of faith to take place. I sought the Lord and his direction, testing each open door to make sure God had presented that opportunity. This was made clear through the help of an elderly couple from Greenville, Michigan: Russ & Polly Larson, two devoted Christians who sought God's will in everything through prayer and fasting.
After moving to East Tennessee, I had a very real dream. I saw three letters in the dream, A-Y-M. I could not forget the memory of these letters, the dream seemed so real. God further prepared the way by sending a local businessman, Richard Arp, to guide me into His plans. Mr. Arp asked me to meet him at his office in Ducktown, Tennessee. He asked me to go out to one of his properties and inspect a building accompanied by Bob Kessler, the police chief. Chief Kessler drilled out the lock and opened the door to the building. Inside appeared to be black shag carpeting wall-to-ceiling. Chief Kessler quickly pulled me away from the door and I asked, “What's wrong?” Then I learned the entire inside of the building was covered in black mold spores, not black shag carpet!
At that moment, I heard the Lord very clearly state, “This is where I want you to do my work”. Immediately, I said, “No, I cannot live in a place like this!” But God's message was very clear, “I am making this offer to you only one time”. The thought of living in a place like this repulsed me; however, I knew if I were going to serve God fully, I needed to be obedient and trust in His plans for my life and not lean on my own understanding.
Chief Kessler and I returned to Mr. Arp's office. I asked Mr. Arp why he wanted me to go out and look at that building. Mr. Arp replied, “George, I am giving that building and land to you to start a mission”. I then realized God's plans and I told Mr. Arp, “If this is what God wants, I will accept the project”. After accepting God's will, Mr. Arp supplied the equipment and supplies needed to clean the building. God sent others to help me by furnishing all the materials to remodel the building, as this was His project, not mine (nor my ideal, nor is every opportunity from God, discernment is very important).
I had an opportunity to share the dream which I had received previously with Sherry Dukes, a local Christian business woman in Blueridge, Georgia. Three days later, Mrs. Dukes contacted me by phone giving me a URL, (an internet address): www.AppalachianYouthMission.org That was the AYM that I saw in the dream.
Mrs. Dukes went on to say God had directed her to build the web site and pay all the expenses, which she did by taking three days and staying up all night to finish the site! Thus, God and Mrs. Dukes confirmed the name Appalachian Youth Missions! Just as God had instructed Mr. Arp! (Neither Mrs. Dukes nor Mr. Arp had ever met each other). This took place in 1999.
Over the next five years, I served as the mission coordinator, coordinating habitat projects in North Georgia, Western North Carolina, and in East Tennessee. During this time, I coordinated adult and youth groups from six countries and twenty states, through the only free youth mission in North America. God faithfully provided for all the mission's needs. I took no salary or pay at any time! During this time, God was doing a work within the local high school. I was invited to share my testimony and faith, encouraging many of the young people in that area, many of whom were living far below the national poverty level.
Unfortunately, about that time, a local drug user/dealer made an attempt to kill me. Later, I learned he was a neighbor who had previously distributed and sold drugs from the new mission property. The neighbor was very upset that a Christian Youth Mission now occupied his territory affecting his drug business. Each attempt to kill me failed; however, in an effort to intimidate God's work, he did considerable damage to the mission property and vehicles.
Melinda Gates, wife to the Chief Executive Officer at Microsoft Corporation, took an interest in the mission and donated a computer and software to help meet the mission's needs. The Tri-State Business Community got behind God's work, and I saw many miracles and lives transformed, both among youth and adults.
One Sunday, after I had been attending a local United Methodist Fellowship for four years, God sent me north on Highway 68 from Ducktown to Tellico Plains, Tennessee. Again, God was faithful and led perfect strangers to assist me with His new plans to move the mission to Tellico Plains in Monroe County, Tennessee. Again, I experienced God's divine intervention. When I returned back to the mission, I discovered I had a quarter of a tank of gas. I had traveled 150 miles up and down the mountains on a quarter of a tank of gas, and returned with that same quarter of a tank of gas!
A week later, I took the same vehicle to have the tires rotated. I was told there were no brake pads on the drums or rotors! I unknowingly drove the vehicle all the way to the mechanic shop without any brakes! God again showed me his faithfulness and protection in my obedience to him.
I know beyond a shadow of any doubt God was preparing my heart and mind for even greater things.
God knew my faithfulness, and he was about to put my faith in him to even a greater test. Every detail of what I am about to tell you can be verified by witnesses, and physical evidence. God in his perfect timing provided another property for his work in 2004. God provided 7.04 acres sitting within 100 feet of one of the largest Methamphetamine labs in Monroe County, Tennessee (the Methamphetamine capital of the United States) protected by the Monroe County Sheriff's Department. Money, greed, and control for power are the driving forces of the illegal drug trade. The struggle for power is between the manufacturers of illegal drugs. If law enforcement really wanted to shut down the drug trade in Monroe County, they could do it in one day. The drug trade is so profitable for corrupt police officials that youth and children continue to suffer throughout our nation as a result of these corrupt public officials having complete disregard for the law.
In 2005, Joe and Marlene Duncan, an anti-Christian couple, purchased property next to the new youth mission property. When this couple learned that their new neighbors were operating a Christian Youth Mission, they declared publicly that they would shut the mission down and run off the preacher. Over the next two years the mission property sustained over $10,000 in damages due to theft and vandalism. No arrests or charges were brought against the violators, even though witnesses and evidence were presented to the Monroe County Sheriff's Department, and the District and State Attorney's office, linking the new neighbors to the theft & vandalism. Vicious lies and threats were circulated throughout the community by the anti-Christian activist neighbors to discredit and stop Christian youth groups from ministering in the community.
The threats by the hate-based anti-Christian couple materialized into reality on May18, 2006. I was abducted and tortured at 3:00 am in the morning at “God Wins House”, the office serving Appalachian Youth Missions.
I was asleep when my assailant banged at the door. I was abducted after answering the door, being forced to the ground outside the mission office. I was then brutally beaten and tortured for two hours. A knife was used to cut my face and hands, and a crow bar was used to smash my skull. A gun was put into my mouth. My assailant spoke clearly when he said: “I was sent to kill you”. However, I told him that I forgave him, and I asked God to forgive him. When my assailant heard these words, he fled with another man, leaving me to die of my injuries.
At the hospital in Sweetwater, Tennessee, the physician on duty and hospital administrator demanded that an AYM mission worker and myself sign a death liability release form, stating that I might not make it to the University of Tennessee Neuro-Trauma Unit; the hospital administrator didn't want to be sued over my death. I was in critical condition with fractures to my face and skull, deep lacerations and brain hemorrhaging (bleeding of the brain). I told the medical staff there that God had spared my life and my trust was in Him.
Two of the hospital workers who had known me for several years didn't recognize me; my face and head had been mutilated and swollen beyond recognition. God was my deliverer, and I made sure everyone understood that.
About an hour later, I arrived at the University Of Tennessee Neuro-Trauma Center where medical staff were waiting for me. God got the glory that day. Among many of the surgeons, physicians, nurses, and medical staff at the hospital, I gave my testimony for over three hours of how God had allowed me to pray for my abductor. I saw God working in each of the tear-filled eyes that came to hear the story of how God amazingly intervened to save my life, and how I shared Christ with my abductor. I left the hospital that same day, and in the next few days/weeks, God allowed me to give my testimony to thousands of individuals. Later, a news release was published about my abduction from CNW (Christian News Wire) out of Washington, D.C.
Evelyn Carmely, a farmer/neighbor, and a strong supporter and advocate of the Youth Mission, became the next target of the anti-Christian couple who had purchased property next to the Carmelys 120-acre farm and the Youth Mission. Shortly after the attempted murder on my life, Evelyn, a strong supporter of the Youth Mission, was found murdered in her bedroom. The same sheriff who protected the nearby drug lab ruled Evelyn's death a suicide. Today, many people believe Evelyn's death was a direct result of the threats from the anti-christian couple. False charges were brought by the anti-christian couple against mission workers and against myself. Each frivolous charge was dismissed when a christian law firm intervened. During this time, a mission vehicle was fire-bombed and burned to the ground. More theft, vandalism and libel occurred to the mission, well over a million dollars worth. None of the property was insured when the theft and vandalizing occurred. Over thirty individuals conspired in the hate-based crime against God's work in Monroe County, Tennessee. This included many anti-christian activists and corrupt public officials. Furthermore, a McMinn County Clerk in Athens, Tennessee, Evonne Hoback, refused to continue to lawfully register the Youth Mission vehicles which resulted in my Tennessee Driver's License being suspended.
To resolve this issue, since Mrs. Holbrok under the color of law, used her position to participate in a hate-based crime and would not follow the law, I applied for a new passport and driver's license from another government agency. Since I am a missionary and travel frequently, I verified my new passport and license which is recognized by the U.S. State Department in Washington, but not by corrupt public officials in Monroe County, Tennessee.
In 2010, Monroe County Sheriff, Bill Bivens, unlawfully seized a 45-foot semi-tractor workshop belonging to the Youth Mission with over $120,000 worth of tools. By seizing the mission tool trailer and tools used by dozens of church groups under Appalachian Youth Missions, the Monroe County Sheriff effectively stopped all mission work, forcing the youth groups to leave the county.
Legal letters were forwarded to Sheriff Bivens and Monroe County Mayor Tim Yates requesting the return of Youth Mission Property. The property was not returned. An account of the theft was released through a Christian news wire service in Washington D.C. Attorney Keith Edmiston sent letters to the sheriff and the county attorney advising the sheriff to return the youth mission property. Monroe County Detective Travis Jones retaliated by making threats, harassing and intimidating youth mission workers who were performing services in the community at the time.
On December 30, 2010, Monroe County Sheriff Bill Bivens retaliated to the complaints filed against him in which I was to testify. I was pulled over and severely beaten by Tellico Plains Patrolman Brian Millsaps, who had been previously fired by the Monroe County Sheriff's Department for using excessive force on a victim of a car wreck (excessive force lawsuit, case # 3:2007-CV-00214), tasering the victim while the victim was receiving treatment by paramedics. Officer Millsap's has a past history of using excessive force, making false statements and theft of city property. As Patrolman Brian Millsap's removed his gun, I fled for my life. I went to a neighbor's house and called 911 asking for the Tennessee State Highway Patrol. As a result, I was arrested by Monroe County Sheriff's deputies and charged with evading arrest, although I was fleeing for my life. Travis Jones and Brian Millsaps were the two officers the sheriff had sent to silence my testimony against him. God again made a way of escape from certain and calculated death that night.
All three officers made false and misleading statements to the grand jury in order obtain an indictment to cover up Patrolman Brian Millsap's attempt on my life.
At the preliminary hearing, trial and at sentencing, I was denied the basic right to counsel and assistance of counsel. At trial, all three officers lied to the jury to again cover-up the failed plot to silence my testimony. The evidence and witnesses I was able to present to the court showed the officers statements to be untruthful.
After an activist judge, Carroll Ross (partial and biased) would not recuse himself (substitute another judge), I was sentenced to four years in prison, being charged with “evading arrest” when I fled from an officer who was sent to silence my testimony on an alleged traffic violation at age 48. I was sent to prison on the evading-arrest charge (no one ever goes to prison for evading arrest, and certainly not for four years!) My bond was raised to $150,000 so I could not bond out. I was shipped to prison before 15 other men who had been sentenced and had been waiting up to 18 months on a waiting list to go to prison (because of the prisons being over crowded)! The sheriff again wanted to silence and discredit my testimony by sending me off to prison right away, but God had much better plans for me! I rejoiced each of the 13 days I spent in the Monroe County Jail as God sent many men to me, to encourage them and give them hope through everlasting life in Jesus Christ. God's word is always true and faithful (Isaiah 55:11).
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it”.
The scripture Jesus gave me at age 15 was coming to pass at age 48.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed”.
Luke 4:18 quoting Isaiah 61:1-3
The license plate on the church vehicle that I was in when I was pulled over read Luke 4:18! That was the night I was to be silenced, so I could not testify about the truth exposing the sheriff.
The missions counsel filed a title 42 complaint (3:11-CV-00220) in U.S. District Court in Knoxville, Tennessee. However, that case was dismissed and is being reviewed for redress.
A second Title 42 complaint (3:11-CV-00625) was filed in U.S. District Court in Knoxville, Tennessee, exposing Monroe County Sherrif Bill Bivens, Tellico Plains Police Officer Brian Millsaps and Monroe County Sheriff's Department Officer Travis Jones. A civil trial is currently pending against these individuals for wrongful arrest and for the brutal assault in an attempt to silence my testimony.
On December 03, 2013 Richard Hughes, the attorney representing my case on appeal (case # E2012-02287-CCA-R3-CD) gained a reversal of the unlawful conviction against me and secured a bond for my release on December 20, 2013. On January 08, 2014 my bond was satisfied. On January 13, 2014, The Tennessee Department of Corrections brought me back to the Monroe County Jail releasing me without any cloths, identification or money, on a cold winters night all in complete violation of Tennessee Department of Corrections policy's and procedures governing the release of a prisoner.
Since then, the district attorney has maliciously re-indicted me on the original charges (violation of the double Jeopardy Rule) after I had served the maximum sentence allowable by law. Since my release, Two judges have recused themselves from my case, and the prosecutor, judge, and district attorney that brought the original unlawful conviction against me have since resigned.
On November 25, 2014, The Tennessee Tenth Judicial District Attorneys Office again retried the same case that was reversed by the Knoxville Criminal Court of Appeals (higher court), when no greater sentence could be obtained. Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood denied all motions for a fair and impartial trial and prohibited the jury from seeing vital evidence that implicated the officer who assaulted me. Judge Blackwood also prohibited the jury from hearing the 911 call I placed three times that night for help. The jury foreman lied when he said he did not know the officer that assaulted me however, the jury foreman was seen embracing and congratulating officer Brian Millsap's as long time friends. This was observed by witnesses after the trial where a fraudulent and unconstitutional verdict of guilty was brought by the jury foreman on all counts.
On December 15, 2014 I appeared before Judge Blackwood with a motion to appoint counsel outside of the public defenders office due to a conflict of interest and ineffective counsel. Judge Blackwood stated He would not appoint new counsel. And further more stated my case was about the $10,000,00 dollar federal complaint I had filed. The judge repeated three times that He could not give me any more time, stating I was free to go. The Judge waived all fines and court costs presented by the jury foreman before adjourned to his office. The judge made it very clear that all that was sought was a conviction to protect those whom I had brought the civil action against in order to discredit my testimony.
A motion for a new trial was heard and denied on March 18, 2015. My case has since been transferred out of the 10th Judaical District into the 6th Judaical District to Attorney Gerald L. Gully Jr. of Gully & Oldham. Counselor Gulley failed in representing me and obstructed justice in the Knoxvile Appeals Court then withdrew as counsel on June 06, 2017. I was again forced to represent myself and filed my appeal brief to the Tennessee Supreme Court on August 04, 2017. That appeal was denied and I am now in the process of petitioning Govenor Bill Haslem for a complete exnoration.
I was wrongfully imprisoned and oversentenced since December 30, 2010; however, God is faithful and justice to reveal all things accordingly in His time.
“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love”.
1st John 4:17-18
I pray that you will ask God for His perfect will, purpose and guidance in your life. God has a place for you in his kingdom. He has great plans for your future!
“The most dangerous place will always be the safest place for a servant of Christ when he or she is on God's assignment”.
Brother George
Philippians 1:12-14
Reported From Decision Magazine and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Dated March 2012 by Franklin Graham:
Title: A Grave and Growing Threat. Graham wrote:
“I believe we are facing the greatest threat to religious liberty in our lifetime. These events are just some of the most recent signs of the growing war on people of faith, especially Christians who believe that the Bible is God's Word and Jesus Christ alone is Lord!”
“When your enemies see that you are so determined that neither sickness, fancies, poverty, life, death, nor sins discourage you, but that you will continue to seek the love of Jesus and nothing else by continuing your prayers and other spiritual works, they will grow enraged and will not spare you the most cruel abuse!”
Walter Hilton, a Carthusian Monk, England, 1396 AD”
Be Strong and be Encouraged!
standfast4truth.org - aymissions.org
“I met George at Northeast Correctional Complex about 3 years ago. I observed George spending countless hours helping other inmates as a G.E.D teacher. He is gifted with patience and teaching others how to find the answers to life's most difficult questions”.
Jeff Thress, Home Improvement Consultant Knoxville, Tennessee
"As the editor of an online newspaper, I have worked with George Joseph Raudenbush III for nearly nine years to tell his story of victimization by the systemically-corrupt Tennessee courts. Through great trials and tribulations, Mr. Raudenbush has remained steadfast in his faith that God's will would be done, including ministering to his fellow man while wrongfully imprisoned for more than two years."
Sharon Rondeau, Editor, The Post & Email Stafford Springs, Connecticut
“I first came to know George Raudenbush in March, 2014, and we soon became good friends. I learned that George has a tireless zeal for helping others, an unflagging optimism, a cheerful and jovial disposition, and is a man of myriad talents, what stands out most of all about him is his faith in and love for Jesus Christ. He exemplifies many of the traits that Jesus said His disciples should have, but often don't have. George is bold for Jesus Christ and wants to see Christ honored and glorified”.
Gene Forrest, Adjunct Photography Professor Knoxville, Tennessee
“George is very eager to serve and is always willing to help. He often does work for people free of charge, just like Jesus did! Jesus can be seen in George's desire to serve many people not just a few. I see a bright future for George as he continues on the high road and refuses to compromise his faith”.
Carl Yoder, Mennonite Community Knoxville Tennessee
“I personally witnessed George Raudenbush under the stress of unbelievable evil that could have permanently damaged or killed him. I observed him as he walked through the valley of the shadow of death. He is a young David against Goliath and has lived to tell about it. I was caused by God to recognize George as one of his servants in a room full of hurting men who all wore the same prison clothes but not the same godly radiance.”
Hank Sorrow, Prison Ministry Volunteer, Pulaski, Tennessee
“From the first day that the Lord sent me to visit George in prison, I have been both impressed and encouraged by his faithful commitment to Christ and his outstanding example of always maintaining a positive attitude in the face of adversity. May the Lord God remember and reward George according to his faith and his perseverance.”
Eric C. Wheeler, Christian Author, Denver, Colorado
George is currently disable due to his many injurys however, he finds the time to volunteer many hours each week in helping youth and the community. George's greatest battle is finding the funds to hire compentent attorneys who will boldly pursue justice exposing the wrong doing and the many attempts to silence George's testimony.
George has stood for truth now lets stand with George!
Here is George's story:
My name is George Raudenbush. At the age of 13, I dedicated my life to follow Jesus while attending Valley Forge Military Academy and Junior College as a first year cadet. I knew without any doubt that God had a great plan for my life. I began training to be a missionary when I was 15 years old. My teacher was Dr. Joel Singh under the United Methodist World Counsel. At 18 years of age, I was commissioned as a missionary to Hissar, Haryana, India. During this time God laid this verse upon my heart: (Luke 4:18 quoting Isaiah 61:1).
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed”.
“When you give your life to the Lord to do His will, some people will persecute you and say all manner of evil against you”. Quoted from page 129 of George Akins book, “The Story of George Akins”, mission president, Savannah, Georgia.
Shortly after my commission, I experienced the very words George Akins spoke of, for it is written, “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution”. 2nd Timothy 3:12.
I graduated high school with distinguished honors and went on to further study Early Childhood Education and Family Law in St. Petersburg, Florida.
The Florida State Supreme Court had appointed me as a Guardian Ad Litem in a national high-profile case. It was during my service to the state that I chose not to compromise my Christian morals, beliefs, and values in my official capacity, just as Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore had upheld his Christian views. However, I became greatly disappointed in our judicial system, which is supposed to protect the rights of children. I chose to spend the next few years in medical missions under Dr. Walter Hillard, a well-known Georgia physician who demonstrated his Christian faith and medical practices with astounding results. Under his mentorship I grew closer to the Lord, as my mind and heart were being prepared for more trials and tests of faith to take place. I sought the Lord and his direction, testing each open door to make sure God had presented that opportunity. This was made clear through the help of an elderly couple from Greenville, Michigan: Russ & Polly Larson, two devoted Christians who sought God's will in everything through prayer and fasting.
After moving to East Tennessee, I had a very real dream. I saw three letters in the dream, A-Y-M. I could not forget the memory of these letters, the dream seemed so real. God further prepared the way by sending a local businessman, Richard Arp, to guide me into His plans. Mr. Arp asked me to meet him at his office in Ducktown, Tennessee. He asked me to go out to one of his properties and inspect a building accompanied by Bob Kessler, the police chief. Chief Kessler drilled out the lock and opened the door to the building. Inside appeared to be black shag carpeting wall-to-ceiling. Chief Kessler quickly pulled me away from the door and I asked, “What's wrong?” Then I learned the entire inside of the building was covered in black mold spores, not black shag carpet!
At that moment, I heard the Lord very clearly state, “This is where I want you to do my work”. Immediately, I said, “No, I cannot live in a place like this!” But God's message was very clear, “I am making this offer to you only one time”. The thought of living in a place like this repulsed me; however, I knew if I were going to serve God fully, I needed to be obedient and trust in His plans for my life and not lean on my own understanding.
Chief Kessler and I returned to Mr. Arp's office. I asked Mr. Arp why he wanted me to go out and look at that building. Mr. Arp replied, “George, I am giving that building and land to you to start a mission”. I then realized God's plans and I told Mr. Arp, “If this is what God wants, I will accept the project”. After accepting God's will, Mr. Arp supplied the equipment and supplies needed to clean the building. God sent others to help me by furnishing all the materials to remodel the building, as this was His project, not mine (nor my ideal, nor is every opportunity from God, discernment is very important).
I had an opportunity to share the dream which I had received previously with Sherry Dukes, a local Christian business woman in Blueridge, Georgia. Three days later, Mrs. Dukes contacted me by phone giving me a URL, (an internet address): www.AppalachianYouthMission.org That was the AYM that I saw in the dream.
Mrs. Dukes went on to say God had directed her to build the web site and pay all the expenses, which she did by taking three days and staying up all night to finish the site! Thus, God and Mrs. Dukes confirmed the name Appalachian Youth Missions! Just as God had instructed Mr. Arp! (Neither Mrs. Dukes nor Mr. Arp had ever met each other). This took place in 1999.
Over the next five years, I served as the mission coordinator, coordinating habitat projects in North Georgia, Western North Carolina, and in East Tennessee. During this time, I coordinated adult and youth groups from six countries and twenty states, through the only free youth mission in North America. God faithfully provided for all the mission's needs. I took no salary or pay at any time! During this time, God was doing a work within the local high school. I was invited to share my testimony and faith, encouraging many of the young people in that area, many of whom were living far below the national poverty level.
Unfortunately, about that time, a local drug user/dealer made an attempt to kill me. Later, I learned he was a neighbor who had previously distributed and sold drugs from the new mission property. The neighbor was very upset that a Christian Youth Mission now occupied his territory affecting his drug business. Each attempt to kill me failed; however, in an effort to intimidate God's work, he did considerable damage to the mission property and vehicles.
Melinda Gates, wife to the Chief Executive Officer at Microsoft Corporation, took an interest in the mission and donated a computer and software to help meet the mission's needs. The Tri-State Business Community got behind God's work, and I saw many miracles and lives transformed, both among youth and adults.
One Sunday, after I had been attending a local United Methodist Fellowship for four years, God sent me north on Highway 68 from Ducktown to Tellico Plains, Tennessee. Again, God was faithful and led perfect strangers to assist me with His new plans to move the mission to Tellico Plains in Monroe County, Tennessee. Again, I experienced God's divine intervention. When I returned back to the mission, I discovered I had a quarter of a tank of gas. I had traveled 150 miles up and down the mountains on a quarter of a tank of gas, and returned with that same quarter of a tank of gas!
A week later, I took the same vehicle to have the tires rotated. I was told there were no brake pads on the drums or rotors! I unknowingly drove the vehicle all the way to the mechanic shop without any brakes! God again showed me his faithfulness and protection in my obedience to him.
I know beyond a shadow of any doubt God was preparing my heart and mind for even greater things.
God knew my faithfulness, and he was about to put my faith in him to even a greater test. Every detail of what I am about to tell you can be verified by witnesses, and physical evidence. God in his perfect timing provided another property for his work in 2004. God provided 7.04 acres sitting within 100 feet of one of the largest Methamphetamine labs in Monroe County, Tennessee (the Methamphetamine capital of the United States) protected by the Monroe County Sheriff's Department. Money, greed, and control for power are the driving forces of the illegal drug trade. The struggle for power is between the manufacturers of illegal drugs. If law enforcement really wanted to shut down the drug trade in Monroe County, they could do it in one day. The drug trade is so profitable for corrupt police officials that youth and children continue to suffer throughout our nation as a result of these corrupt public officials having complete disregard for the law.
In 2005, Joe and Marlene Duncan, an anti-Christian couple, purchased property next to the new youth mission property. When this couple learned that their new neighbors were operating a Christian Youth Mission, they declared publicly that they would shut the mission down and run off the preacher. Over the next two years the mission property sustained over $10,000 in damages due to theft and vandalism. No arrests or charges were brought against the violators, even though witnesses and evidence were presented to the Monroe County Sheriff's Department, and the District and State Attorney's office, linking the new neighbors to the theft & vandalism. Vicious lies and threats were circulated throughout the community by the anti-Christian activist neighbors to discredit and stop Christian youth groups from ministering in the community.
The threats by the hate-based anti-Christian couple materialized into reality on May18, 2006. I was abducted and tortured at 3:00 am in the morning at “God Wins House”, the office serving Appalachian Youth Missions.
I was asleep when my assailant banged at the door. I was abducted after answering the door, being forced to the ground outside the mission office. I was then brutally beaten and tortured for two hours. A knife was used to cut my face and hands, and a crow bar was used to smash my skull. A gun was put into my mouth. My assailant spoke clearly when he said: “I was sent to kill you”. However, I told him that I forgave him, and I asked God to forgive him. When my assailant heard these words, he fled with another man, leaving me to die of my injuries.
At the hospital in Sweetwater, Tennessee, the physician on duty and hospital administrator demanded that an AYM mission worker and myself sign a death liability release form, stating that I might not make it to the University of Tennessee Neuro-Trauma Unit; the hospital administrator didn't want to be sued over my death. I was in critical condition with fractures to my face and skull, deep lacerations and brain hemorrhaging (bleeding of the brain). I told the medical staff there that God had spared my life and my trust was in Him.
Two of the hospital workers who had known me for several years didn't recognize me; my face and head had been mutilated and swollen beyond recognition. God was my deliverer, and I made sure everyone understood that.
About an hour later, I arrived at the University Of Tennessee Neuro-Trauma Center where medical staff were waiting for me. God got the glory that day. Among many of the surgeons, physicians, nurses, and medical staff at the hospital, I gave my testimony for over three hours of how God had allowed me to pray for my abductor. I saw God working in each of the tear-filled eyes that came to hear the story of how God amazingly intervened to save my life, and how I shared Christ with my abductor. I left the hospital that same day, and in the next few days/weeks, God allowed me to give my testimony to thousands of individuals. Later, a news release was published about my abduction from CNW (Christian News Wire) out of Washington, D.C.
Evelyn Carmely, a farmer/neighbor, and a strong supporter and advocate of the Youth Mission, became the next target of the anti-Christian couple who had purchased property next to the Carmelys 120-acre farm and the Youth Mission. Shortly after the attempted murder on my life, Evelyn, a strong supporter of the Youth Mission, was found murdered in her bedroom. The same sheriff who protected the nearby drug lab ruled Evelyn's death a suicide. Today, many people believe Evelyn's death was a direct result of the threats from the anti-christian couple. False charges were brought by the anti-christian couple against mission workers and against myself. Each frivolous charge was dismissed when a christian law firm intervened. During this time, a mission vehicle was fire-bombed and burned to the ground. More theft, vandalism and libel occurred to the mission, well over a million dollars worth. None of the property was insured when the theft and vandalizing occurred. Over thirty individuals conspired in the hate-based crime against God's work in Monroe County, Tennessee. This included many anti-christian activists and corrupt public officials. Furthermore, a McMinn County Clerk in Athens, Tennessee, Evonne Hoback, refused to continue to lawfully register the Youth Mission vehicles which resulted in my Tennessee Driver's License being suspended.
To resolve this issue, since Mrs. Holbrok under the color of law, used her position to participate in a hate-based crime and would not follow the law, I applied for a new passport and driver's license from another government agency. Since I am a missionary and travel frequently, I verified my new passport and license which is recognized by the U.S. State Department in Washington, but not by corrupt public officials in Monroe County, Tennessee.
In 2010, Monroe County Sheriff, Bill Bivens, unlawfully seized a 45-foot semi-tractor workshop belonging to the Youth Mission with over $120,000 worth of tools. By seizing the mission tool trailer and tools used by dozens of church groups under Appalachian Youth Missions, the Monroe County Sheriff effectively stopped all mission work, forcing the youth groups to leave the county.
Legal letters were forwarded to Sheriff Bivens and Monroe County Mayor Tim Yates requesting the return of Youth Mission Property. The property was not returned. An account of the theft was released through a Christian news wire service in Washington D.C. Attorney Keith Edmiston sent letters to the sheriff and the county attorney advising the sheriff to return the youth mission property. Monroe County Detective Travis Jones retaliated by making threats, harassing and intimidating youth mission workers who were performing services in the community at the time.
On December 30, 2010, Monroe County Sheriff Bill Bivens retaliated to the complaints filed against him in which I was to testify. I was pulled over and severely beaten by Tellico Plains Patrolman Brian Millsaps, who had been previously fired by the Monroe County Sheriff's Department for using excessive force on a victim of a car wreck (excessive force lawsuit, case # 3:2007-CV-00214), tasering the victim while the victim was receiving treatment by paramedics. Officer Millsap's has a past history of using excessive force, making false statements and theft of city property. As Patrolman Brian Millsap's removed his gun, I fled for my life. I went to a neighbor's house and called 911 asking for the Tennessee State Highway Patrol. As a result, I was arrested by Monroe County Sheriff's deputies and charged with evading arrest, although I was fleeing for my life. Travis Jones and Brian Millsaps were the two officers the sheriff had sent to silence my testimony against him. God again made a way of escape from certain and calculated death that night.
All three officers made false and misleading statements to the grand jury in order obtain an indictment to cover up Patrolman Brian Millsap's attempt on my life.
At the preliminary hearing, trial and at sentencing, I was denied the basic right to counsel and assistance of counsel. At trial, all three officers lied to the jury to again cover-up the failed plot to silence my testimony. The evidence and witnesses I was able to present to the court showed the officers statements to be untruthful.
After an activist judge, Carroll Ross (partial and biased) would not recuse himself (substitute another judge), I was sentenced to four years in prison, being charged with “evading arrest” when I fled from an officer who was sent to silence my testimony on an alleged traffic violation at age 48. I was sent to prison on the evading-arrest charge (no one ever goes to prison for evading arrest, and certainly not for four years!) My bond was raised to $150,000 so I could not bond out. I was shipped to prison before 15 other men who had been sentenced and had been waiting up to 18 months on a waiting list to go to prison (because of the prisons being over crowded)! The sheriff again wanted to silence and discredit my testimony by sending me off to prison right away, but God had much better plans for me! I rejoiced each of the 13 days I spent in the Monroe County Jail as God sent many men to me, to encourage them and give them hope through everlasting life in Jesus Christ. God's word is always true and faithful (Isaiah 55:11).
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it”.
The scripture Jesus gave me at age 15 was coming to pass at age 48.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed”.
Luke 4:18 quoting Isaiah 61:1-3
The license plate on the church vehicle that I was in when I was pulled over read Luke 4:18! That was the night I was to be silenced, so I could not testify about the truth exposing the sheriff.
The missions counsel filed a title 42 complaint (3:11-CV-00220) in U.S. District Court in Knoxville, Tennessee. However, that case was dismissed and is being reviewed for redress.
A second Title 42 complaint (3:11-CV-00625) was filed in U.S. District Court in Knoxville, Tennessee, exposing Monroe County Sherrif Bill Bivens, Tellico Plains Police Officer Brian Millsaps and Monroe County Sheriff's Department Officer Travis Jones. A civil trial is currently pending against these individuals for wrongful arrest and for the brutal assault in an attempt to silence my testimony.
On December 03, 2013 Richard Hughes, the attorney representing my case on appeal (case # E2012-02287-CCA-R3-CD) gained a reversal of the unlawful conviction against me and secured a bond for my release on December 20, 2013. On January 08, 2014 my bond was satisfied. On January 13, 2014, The Tennessee Department of Corrections brought me back to the Monroe County Jail releasing me without any cloths, identification or money, on a cold winters night all in complete violation of Tennessee Department of Corrections policy's and procedures governing the release of a prisoner.
Since then, the district attorney has maliciously re-indicted me on the original charges (violation of the double Jeopardy Rule) after I had served the maximum sentence allowable by law. Since my release, Two judges have recused themselves from my case, and the prosecutor, judge, and district attorney that brought the original unlawful conviction against me have since resigned.
On November 25, 2014, The Tennessee Tenth Judicial District Attorneys Office again retried the same case that was reversed by the Knoxville Criminal Court of Appeals (higher court), when no greater sentence could be obtained. Judge Jon Kerry Blackwood denied all motions for a fair and impartial trial and prohibited the jury from seeing vital evidence that implicated the officer who assaulted me. Judge Blackwood also prohibited the jury from hearing the 911 call I placed three times that night for help. The jury foreman lied when he said he did not know the officer that assaulted me however, the jury foreman was seen embracing and congratulating officer Brian Millsap's as long time friends. This was observed by witnesses after the trial where a fraudulent and unconstitutional verdict of guilty was brought by the jury foreman on all counts.
On December 15, 2014 I appeared before Judge Blackwood with a motion to appoint counsel outside of the public defenders office due to a conflict of interest and ineffective counsel. Judge Blackwood stated He would not appoint new counsel. And further more stated my case was about the $10,000,00 dollar federal complaint I had filed. The judge repeated three times that He could not give me any more time, stating I was free to go. The Judge waived all fines and court costs presented by the jury foreman before adjourned to his office. The judge made it very clear that all that was sought was a conviction to protect those whom I had brought the civil action against in order to discredit my testimony.
A motion for a new trial was heard and denied on March 18, 2015. My case has since been transferred out of the 10th Judaical District into the 6th Judaical District to Attorney Gerald L. Gully Jr. of Gully & Oldham. Counselor Gulley failed in representing me and obstructed justice in the Knoxvile Appeals Court then withdrew as counsel on June 06, 2017. I was again forced to represent myself and filed my appeal brief to the Tennessee Supreme Court on August 04, 2017. That appeal was denied and I am now in the process of petitioning Govenor Bill Haslem for a complete exnoration.
I was wrongfully imprisoned and oversentenced since December 30, 2010; however, God is faithful and justice to reveal all things accordingly in His time.
“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love”.
1st John 4:17-18
I pray that you will ask God for His perfect will, purpose and guidance in your life. God has a place for you in his kingdom. He has great plans for your future!
“The most dangerous place will always be the safest place for a servant of Christ when he or she is on God's assignment”.
Brother George
Philippians 1:12-14
Reported From Decision Magazine and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Dated March 2012 by Franklin Graham:
Title: A Grave and Growing Threat. Graham wrote:
“I believe we are facing the greatest threat to religious liberty in our lifetime. These events are just some of the most recent signs of the growing war on people of faith, especially Christians who believe that the Bible is God's Word and Jesus Christ alone is Lord!”
“When your enemies see that you are so determined that neither sickness, fancies, poverty, life, death, nor sins discourage you, but that you will continue to seek the love of Jesus and nothing else by continuing your prayers and other spiritual works, they will grow enraged and will not spare you the most cruel abuse!”
Walter Hilton, a Carthusian Monk, England, 1396 AD”
Be Strong and be Encouraged!
George Raudenbush
Knoxville, TN