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Christmas Gifts Appeal

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I'm Amy from The Plodding Along Book Club and this year I am raising money for gifts to donate to Wood Street Mission! A fantastic charity who organise the distribution of gifts to families across Salford and Manchester who need help over Christmas!

How does it work?
You can donate as little as £1 towards the fund or you can contact me directly on Facebook to choose a gift you want to donate!

At the beginning of December I will placing the order of books, games and jigsaws ❤ ready to be collected by Wood Street Mission on the 11th December!

Any commission I would usually make on this order will be put back into buying extra gifts - this will also be true of my free book allowance too!

Meaning that if we can raise £200 I can order an extra £68 worth of gifts!!


I just want to thankyou in advance, I know it's been a difficult year for everyone - I just hope we can help spread some smiles!


Amy Coffey

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