Navigators Robotics Team fundraiser
As we ramp up for another season of VEX Robotics events, we're reaching out to family and friends with the hope that you might be willing to support the team as many of you so generously did last season. The 7842 Navigators robotics team had an amazing season last year, missing an invitation to the VEX World's Competition in Louisville by only 3 points! This leads us to discern that this season, as the team members' skills are strengthened and their team work gels, the World's competition is a very real possibility!
For those unfamiliar with our team, this group of youths work together throughout the season to design, build, program and compete with robotic vehicles. We are an inclusive club that brings together youth from many Vancouver Island communities. Our team members possess a wide range of skills in science, math, programming and engineering, to form a cooperative, comprehensive and competitive robotics team.
Since we attend robotics competitions on provincial, national and international levels, costs such as transportation, accommodations, meals, event registration, and equipment maintenance are all realities of the operations of the team.
In an effort to ensure the highest level of participation for all team members, and to reduce the financial load on individual families, support from our sponsors, families and friends have made all the difference.
Unique clubs such as the 7842 Navigators create a perfect environment to foster the creativity, innovation and emerging skills of our youth in a safe, inclusive and encouraging way. There’s no doubt that with your support, you can help them achieve great things! Thank you for your support, and please be sure to follow the team’s season on Facebook at www.facebook.com/nides7842