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Kidney Transplant/Medical Bills

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My grandfather, Kenneth Tilson Jr. was diagnosed with hepatitis C in 2002. I was only 4 at the time so I didn’t really understand what was going on. During the wake of his disease he was put on a 6-month treatment, where he had to give himself shots in the stomach every night. Come to find out this treatment did not work and he was placed on the liver transplant list. In February of 2008, he received his first liver transplant at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta GA. I missed a lot of school that year due to him being in the hospital.

After his transplant they put him on an updated version of the hepatitis c treatment but they had to quit the medication due to reoccurring pneumonia. The pneumonia had gotten so bad, that it hardened on his right lung and he had to have surgery to scrap it off.

Fast forward to January of 2012, he was placed on a different type of treatment and the hepatitis became undetectable in his bloodstream. This treatment, although took away the hepatitis, destroyed his new liver. So he was placed back on the transplant list and received his 2nd transplant in February of 2014. This transplant was successful and he had no signs of hepatitis. It was an amazing feeling knowing that he was finally going to get a break after 12 years of battling a severe liver disease. But fate had different plans.


The summer of 2015 he went to go see a nephrologist because he had fluid buildup in his feet and legs. He was then diagnosed with stage 5 renal failure. He was admitted to Greenville Memorial and during his stay he got staph/MRSA, as well as pneumonia and legionaries disease. At Greenville, they had discovered that there were patches of MRSA on his liver that had to be drained. He was placed on dialysis three days and week. With him being diagnosed with MRSA, this put a hold on him being placed on the kidney transplant list. In the midst of it all, the medical bills accumulated quickly, and my nana and papa were unable to afford their mortgage payment, and they ended up losing their home.


The money fundraised through this account will go towards my past medical bills and the ones to come. With the help of people all around the world, I pray that my message is reached out and my papa will soon be on the kidney transplant list. If you happen to come across this and are unable to donate, prayers are greatly appreciated.


Thank you and God Bless.


  • Bill & Karen Fitts
    • $200
    • 8 yrs
  • Hal Atkins And Family
    • $1,000 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs
  • Brent Atkins
    • $300 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kenneth Tilson
Greenville, SC
Kayla Tilson

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