Henry needs a good sturdy car!
Virginia is a single mum and sole carer of Henry who is 19 years old and was born with Prader Willi Syndrome. This causes intellectual disability, behavioural and many physical issues including almost zero metabolic rate. It also causes Henry to have an insatiable appetite so obesity without newer, unavailable treatments is inevitable.
Virginia spends a lot of her time ferrying Henry to a wide variety of medical appointments and unfortunately her family car has just been condemned. She desperately needs a roomy car to get him these vital appointments.
As she survives on a Carer payment and his half disability pension (doesn't get a full one until he is 21!) Virginia simply can't afford a new car and will be stuck. After paying her mortgage she is left with $148 per week.
So please help raise funds for Virginia. Where would our country be without the thousands of selfless carers?