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Tragic loss

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On September 22, 2022, My best friend’s family had a tragic loss! Takara Glenn Hightower was the victim of a senseless and tragic act of domestic violence. Takara (Ki) as most of us knew her by, left 6 children behind whose ages range from 12 months to 16 years old. They are left Mother and fatherless.

A fearless Lioness and protective mamma bear who lived for each of her children. The bond that Ki shared with her babies was like none other. The selfless, caring, and relentless woman that she was shined bright in her children’s eyes.

Danielle, the oldest at 16, loved basketball and Ki was her number one fan. Ki would travel with all her children to all of her games. 

Gabby, 12 years old, loves basketball and playing Roblox. She wants to be in the WNBA. 

Gavin, 9 years old, loves to play games on his phone and basketball.

Giselle, 5 years old, loves to play with her Barbies and make videos on TikTok.

Giana, affectionately known as Gigi, is 3 years old and so full of life! She looks and acts just like her mother. Gigi and Ki loved to make TikTok videos together.

Giovanni, 12 months old, is affectionately known as Fat daddy.

The children are being left in the full care of KI’s mother Chinetha, Tiera And Tamra (sisters). They need all the help and support possible from you.

Your donations and prayers for the family will make a difference. No donation is too small.
Donations will go towards the funeral and  burial expenses for Ki Hightower and the expenses needed for the care of her children. I am hosting this on behalf of the family to allow them the time to mourn their loss. Thank in advance for your support and prayers!


  • Dawn Cannon
    • 25 $
    • 7 Mo
  • ocell carr
    • 50 $
    • 8 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 5 $
    • 1 Jahr
  • Donavon Lyle
    • 50 $
    • 2 Jahre
  • Milan Annella
    • 15 $
    • 2 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kristina Liwanag Ezell
Spring, TX
Tiera Hannah

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