Tink's MegaEsophagus Treatment Fund
Since we brought Tink home on Saturday, September 17 2016 she has stolen our hearts every second of the day. She's also had some digestive issues and trouble keeping food down. One week after bringing her home we took her into the emergency vet when she was vomitting constantly and knew something wasn't right. We finally got some information by 2 am that wasn't promising and a huge vet bill for the tests and procedures. X-rays showed that Tink had an enlarged esophagus that wasn't contracting to help push food to the stomach. She was regurgitating everything that she would eat because of it and not getting any nutrients down...which explains her being the runt of the litter.
We were finally able to get in to MSU on 10/06/16 to have Tink checked out by an internal medicine doctor.
The diagnosis of PRAA (a disorder correctable by surgery) has been ruled out by specialists at Michigan State University's Animal Hospital.
Tink has what's called megaesophagus, a condition where her esophagus is dilated and does not contract to move food like it should. This condition can be caused by undeveloped nerves and can be grown out of with a 20-46% success rate, but we're learning those suggested odds might be a little on the high side. While there will not be a surgery, we still have a pile of Vet bills from our emergency visit and visit to MSU. Anything contributed will be put into a fund for the care of Tink while we try to give her the best life a dog could have. There will be challenges: constant threat of aspiration pneumonia because of the mega esophagus condition, a custom chair for upright feeding, regular chest x-rays to make sure breathing is ok and no aspiration has occured, expensive high calorie food to get her growth rate back on track, etc.
We are beyond grateful for every penny that you can help us out with. We love what we do for our jobs, but it doesn't make us a fortune and this was a very unforseen expense. We know that we are crazy, and we accept that. If you think it's nuts to invest this into a 9 week old puppy we understand. If you're willing to help out, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.