Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

$1 a person could save a family!

Spende geschützt
My name is Daniel. I'm the oldest of three boys and a member of a very kind family. Recently, this past year has been something awful for everyone in the house. My wife left me, I broke my dominant wrist and have been out of work, and most of all, we must find a way to move our home by the end of April 2017. My father and mother have been trying very hard to find a way for us to move, however our finances are non existant. we barely have food and have been survivng on my very little $174 a week worker's compensation and my father's $10 per hour job. Our time is running out before we must vacate and we need help badly. The money would be used to move our home and the expenses thereof. This includes a new septic system as well as a survey of the land to put up a foundation. I truly hate to ask, but please lend us your aid! This is our very last resort, and my parents don't know I'm doing this. We need a miracle to save this family, and I believe in the kindness deep in peoples hearts. Please, anything can help. Even a simple share on facebook.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Daniel Newport
Moyock, NC
Rhonda Dreggors-Newport

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