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Pamela Wilds

Spende geschützt
It is with deep sadness and shock that the Wilds family lost a mother, grandmother and companion to many others. Pamela had many more years to live, but sadly it was cut short by a fire.
Pamela was adored by so many people in her life. She would always put others first before she would think about herself. She was one of the kindest people around and sadly not everyone got to experience what many others did with Pamela which was make a bond.
We are hoping to raise money for the Wilds family to try help them with expenses and more every cent will be put towards her family to help them through this very hard time.This tragic loss has put a lot of heartache in the community, but we do know she's now in a better place and she will be looking down upon us.
Thank you.
Rest In Peace Pamela <3


Robert Kidd
Catherine Hill Bay, NSW

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