The Heart Restart!
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I never thought that I would be 31 waiting to have open heart surgery one month before I turn 32.
On Superbowl Sunday 2016 I fell ill, but since it was the season for sickness I didn't think too much of it. I went to the doctor and was prescribed an antibiotic and steroid as I was diagnosed with bronchitis. Taking the medicine made me feel better but it was short lived. Once I finished my prescription about a week later all these horrible symptoms came back with a vengeance. Terrible night sweats, a rapid pulse, even shorter of breath, fevers, muscle aches, sore throat, and coughing up some unattractive stuff. This cycle of going to the doctors and getting medicine repeated itself for about 4 months.
They tried all different things including a chest x-ray, different cough medicines, and inhalers to correct the issue. All the while, thinking I could die any day and finding different ways to cope with my symptoms like sleeping sitting up on my couch or meditating until I would fall aslee; at one point I started counting chipmunks because I was sick of sheep and baby goats.
I ended up feeling a little better mid May but I was still winded when I walked from my bedroom to the bathroom (about 10 feet). Now my mind was stuck and I started to explore other reasons that this was happening to me. Mind you, while all of this was going on I was working 5 to 6 days a week sometimes with no set lunch break and 6 to 9 hour days, depending on my schedule. The life of a cosmetologist is fun but unfortunately the long days and hours are just the nature of the beast.
While exploring these other options Trevon and I called our apartments front office to have them treat our place for mold. They were very gracious and had a company come out and do so, which included them spraying and setting up a dehumidifier and scrubbing the air. After all was said and done I felt great and I was on the up and up! I was still winded every now and then but I figured my lungs would heal up and be back to regular working order in no time.
Fast forward to the second or third week in June- I started working at Zapien's Salon in Greensboro, GA. I immediately fit in with all the girls and the head stylist and business owner Norman. My symptoms were slowly fading; I wasn't working as much, I was less stressed, and things again were on the way up. After about a month working there, my symptoms again returned. They were not constant; some days were really good and would get bad at night and vice versa.
Now I know I had to quit smoking cigarettes even though the whole time I was sick I didn't partake as much. But any smoker that has 10 years of it under their belt knows as soon as you feel better you're right back to lighting up. I did it though- I quit smoking and now was positive I would be 100% in just a few weeks.
I wasn't so lucky. I no longer had a cough or sore throat but I still couldn't breathe, kept having night sweats, etc. It seemed to be getting worse.
OK NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE but I'm pretty sure people started to think I was crazy and just working myself into panic attacks. Which in all fairness in my head was completely plausible; anxiety runs in my family...I had just started a new job, I was working really hard to let Norman and the girls know I was a part of the team and there to back them up with anything they needed. I'm a work-a-holic, that's just my nature.
This past Wednesday Norman noticed I didn't look or feel well and sweetly excused me from work early. I went next door to the spa where my friend Jordan works to wait for her since we carpooled to work together that day. Still concerned, Norman checked on me again but this time brought his color client with him, foils in her hair and everything. Armed with a stethoscope, this wonderful woman had a listen and immediately asked me to call my mom, and before I knew it my mom was there rescuing me with her lead foot.
We reached the er quickly and as soon a I was hooked up to a monitor I had about 5 nurses on me and my heart rate was 220bpm. I was stabilized within two hours and air lifted to St. Mary's in Athens where Trevon was waiting in anticipation and my mom was racing to catch up with me since she was unable to fly with me. After a few more test we were given the news about the masses inside my heart- a total of three.
And now here I am, two days later, waiting in anticipation for Monday when my surgery is scheduled! Who would have known? Thank you to my entire family and all of my friends for all your support. I will see many more birthdays. I love you all.... I'm ready to get to recovery. I can't wait for this new lease on life! I know this number will probably shock you but just being air lifted for 20 minutes Is close to 45,000 dollars even if I were forgiven a percentage of that it would still be extravagant. I honestly know I probably won't hit my goal but it's worth a shot anything is appreciated!
Jacquelynn McCarthy
Athens, GA