Surgery costs and medical expenses
Donation protected
Good day! Trista is doing great! She has stopped using both her inhalers.
This is absolutely incredible. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
15 more days until surgery
Yes this is the go fund me from the Wall Street Journal.
This is incredible. I am so thankful for everyone of you. my initial concern was paying for the surgery and that has been accomplished. I have been swamped with medical debt since she was hospitalized in 2021. We spent 4 days in the hospital and I still have bills related to that plus all the doctor visits for the multiple times she goes to the doctors each month. They have been sitting on a credit card getting minimum payments made each month and it is a never ending cycle. Please know that any money not used for the surgery will be going towards these bills. This has lifted a huge burden from our lives and I am forever grateful.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude. All the donations that we have received today has had me in tears. I will be able to pay for the surgery and can start paying towards medical debt that I incurred when she was in the hospital for multiple days a few years ago. Thank you!
I am beyond thankful for all the donations that have been coming in. I now have enough to pay the surgery center and some of the physician costs. Just a little more to cover her pre and post op vists, the rest of the surgeon cost, and as mentioned previously I would like to not work the weekend after the surgery so she is not home in pain and alone. I have no benefits for weekend work as it is gig work and if I don't do deliveries I make no money. If there is any excess I will be using that to pay down prior medical visits that are currently on credit cards or still being billed. Thank you again!

Heather Miconi
Merritt Island, FL