Marys Guillain Barre Fight
My wife, Mary, is 29 years old, and a great mother to our 10month old baby. She's the most resilient woman I know who is also an MS sufferer of 8 years.
On September 18th, she was officially diagnosed with Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, an unfortunate complication from severe meningitis infection beginning August 26th.
Guillaine-Barre Syndrome (GBS) is a rare auto-immune disease whereby the immune system attacks the body after becoming overactive. GBS causes an 'ascending' paralysis, meaning the weakness, numbness, tingling and paralysis starts from the toes and moves up the body towards the torso, involving the upper limbs, face and eventually causes a 'locked in' syndrome where sufferers are conscious and aware, but cannot move any part of their body to express this.
Mary realised her strength deteriorated fairly quickly after falling over suddenly and was unable to pick herself up - her legs were too numb and weak to move. By the time she arrived at hospital, her torso, arms and lips were beginning to weaken and her vision deteriorated. She is still unable to focus her eyes or read for more than a few minutes.
Mary's MRI show tremendous damage to her peripheral and central nerves and the stress of this has made her MS relapse severely after 6 years relapse-free. The doctors have anticipated a minimum 12 month path to recovery, however given the minimal improvement after the IVIG treatment, it is likely realistic that recovery will be a slow and onerous process.
Mary failed every neurological test from the waist down. Five days IVIG transfusions (blood products from 1000s of donations) were administered to halt progression but she has since relapsed with worsening symptoms and will need plasmapheresis treatment.
Mary is unable to walk short distances without her cane, she's lost 8kg from her slight frame, has been forced to give up work, cannot hold or dedicate energy to our son and requires regular naps to starve off chronic fatigue.
Neuro-physiotherapy sessions are very expensive however absolutely necessary for functional recovery. There is a very real possibility complete recovery will not be attained, however doctors are confident regular and long-term physiotherapy will provide the best chance of recovery.
Please donate to Mary's cause, let's help her recieve the best possible rehabilitation so she may live a little more independently.