Richie needs vital treatment for Rhabdomyosarcoma
My name is Lauren Haigh and I would like to introduce you to the beautiful Walsh family.
The Walsh family emigrated to Australia from the UK in the hope of a better life for their four children. However, this dream of a better life was shattered on
Monday 16th March 2020. Their youngest boy, Richie, was diagnosed with a rare cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. To add to their devastation they were told the cancer was at stage 4.
At only 7 years old Richie was about to take on the battle of a lifetime and the family left uncertain of their baby boy's future.
Richie means everything to the Walsh family, his older siblings Melissa, Luke, and Layla have worshiped him since the day he was born. He really is the heart of their family and the pain they are going through watching him suffer is unimaginable.
Now, 6 months into his treatment Richie has had countless weeks in and out of the hospital, undergoing chemotherapy. But his journey is about to get even tougher as the family have been informed Richie will need radiation, as the tumor in his pelvic area is impossible to operate on. This will have numerous heartbreaking side effects and will also have massive implications on his future life, if he wins this battle. Moreover, Richie’s cancer has also spread into his lungs, so the radiation he must undergo is going to be so tough for him.
With all their family back in the UK, the Walsh family has little support. The treatment for Richie’s cancer is intense and constant, meaning that his mum Lisa has had to give up her job as a midwife to be Richie’s main carer, this has put huge financial pressure on the family.
To add to this the effects of COVID have hit them hard, Richie's father's working hours have been cut.
The Walsh family are one of the strongest families I know. They are treasuring the time they have with Richie and making memories that will last a
Richie's dad has been raising money for other cancer charities and has been organizing great things for Richie to do on his good days. He has also made a fantastic Blog called Little's Legends so you can see what they are up too www.littleslegends.com
With the loss of Lisa's income and the risk of losing everything including their family home, I ask that we all give back to this amazing family.
As from 21st June 2021 we have now found out that Richie may have to go overseas for life saving treatment that is not available here in Australia , We are hoping that the world will share this story and help our Little Legend Richie Walsh
Thank you.