Gastos funerarios y repatriación de su cuerpo
Donation protected
Saludos a todos,
Mi nombre es Abigail Melgar, por este medio quiero dejarles saber a todos ustedes que mi compañero de vida de los últimos 15 años, Manuel Suárez, ha fallecido el día de hoy 28 de Julio del 2023. Lamentablemente hoy perdió su lucha después de estar internado en cuidados intensivos por los últimos 7 días. Todos los que lo conocimos y convivimos con el, sabemos el gran corazón que tenía y la calidad de persona que fue con cada uno de nosotros.
Por este medio hoy quiero llegar hacia todos ustedes para pedirles que nos ayuden con un granito de arena para poder cubrir los gastos fúnebres, así como para poder repatriar su cuerpo a su país natal Ecuador para que sus hijos, padre, y demás familiares puedan darle el último adiós.
De antemano quiero agradecerles a cada uno de ustedes por su colaboración y su apoyo en estos momentos tan difíciles para nosotros.
Que Dios les bendiga.
Hello everyone, My name is Abigail Melgar, and I want to let all of you know that my life partner for the last 15 years, Manuel Suárez, has passed away today, July 28, 2023. Unfortunately, he lost his fight after being hospitalized in the intensive care unit for the past 7 days. All of us who knew him and shared with him along the years know the great heart and the great human being he was with each one of us. Today, I want to reach out to all of you to ask for your support to raise money to cover for the funeral expenses, as well as to be able to repatriate his body to his native country Ecuador so that his children, father, and other relatives can give him the last good-bye. I want to thank each of you in advance for your cooperation and support in these difficult times. God Bless you all.
Hello everyone, My name is Abigail Melgar, and I want to let all of you know that my life partner for the last 15 years, Manuel Suárez, has passed away today, July 28, 2023. Unfortunately, he lost his fight after being hospitalized in the intensive care unit for the past 7 days. All of us who knew him and shared with him along the years know the great heart and the great human being he was with each one of us. Today, I want to reach out to all of you to ask for your support to raise money to cover for the funeral expenses, as well as to be able to repatriate his body to his native country Ecuador so that his children, father, and other relatives can give him the last good-bye. I want to thank each of you in advance for your cooperation and support in these difficult times. God Bless you all.
Abigail Melgar De Cruz
East Patchogue, NY