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God gave me an Angel, her name is Aleah Simone Morton. Aleah is one of the sweetest people on the earth. She brings love and peace to everyone she meets. Aleah is my daughter; she is developmentally disabled and obese. Her obesity mainly comes from 15 plus years of psychiatric meds.
Because of her obesity and hypoventilation (it is hard for her to breath while walking). This combination also makes it hard for her to shed the weight and become healthier. Other exercises such as workout machines and exercise classes make her exertion too heavy and fast and her breathing is too hard for her to participate.
In addition to this, On March 30th, 2020, Aleah was diagnosed with COVID19, this monster put so many people along with Aleah in ICU. She was on a ventilator for 3 weeks in the hospital for 4 weeks. Aleah is a survivor and my heart goes out every day with love for the families with loved ones who passed away from this!
Though she survived, she still is struggling with lung ailments as well as normal mobility. (Her lungs are not fully healed, and she is on oxygen). Currently, she is in rehab through Beaumont Hospital and can only walk for a 1:20 seconds before tiring out! So, she needs to increase her endurance so she can function well again! So, I am asking for your support and those that you may know to help us purchase a 3 wheeler bike that seats two (2) people so that I can ride with her! All support is welcomed, please feel free to share our story!
This bike is from a company out of New York, Worksman Cycles, it is a custom bike and this company specializes in bikes for heavier people as well as people with disabilities. It takes 30 days for this bike to be completed and I would like for us to have some ride time while the weather permits. Their website is https://www.worksmancycles.com/ (the bike is called the Worksman Side by Side Team Dual Trike…it’s PRETTY COOL LOOK IT UP)!
I am so excited about this bike and the chance to do something recreational with my daughter!!!!! This bike is so exciting because it will allow us to safely exercise and increase mobility. This bike features: two individual seats (So mom can ride and pedal along)! Yes, two sets of pedals! Arm rests, safety belts and a motor. The motor is the biggest cost, but it will help us when Aleah tires out and can no longer pedal or has a behavior melt down.

JoElla Holmes Dean
Oak Park, MI