Portion of Large Intestine removed. Help needed
Donation protected
Daniel here. On March 14th Dr. Salloum with MVMC here in Las Cruces noticed a growth of tissue near the opening to the appendix in my large intestine. He took a chunk and had it tested. Negative for cancer, thank God! But he said that he'd like to remove that portion of colon laproscopically because the tissue below could be cancerous or it can eventually become cancer. He will then reconnect the small intestine higher up. This surgery is scheduled for May 18th. He anticipates me staying in the hospital for up to 3 days and that I need to be out of work for 2 weeks. I don't have enough sick leave hours at work to cover this duration, so I'll have to use Leave Without Pay. I do not qualify for FMLA as I have not been employed a full year. I hate asking for assistance but I'm out of options. You're donations will help me pay copays, bills, and food due to this procedure. I thank you and and appreciate your consideration. Please pray for me. I'm kinda freaking out. Thanks again & God bless you
Daniel Sambrano
Las Cruces, NM