Asking For Help With Final Expenses
Where to begin? I am a mother of two amazing, beautiful children. They are my everything. Back in April 2016 I was told I had cervical cancer. Not long after having a CT scan I found out the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. I started my rounds of external radiation and chemotherapy. Than beginning of July under went internal radiation. After all the treatments we thought we were out of the woods when the Dr said the lymph nodes were back to normal and my cervical mass had gone leaving just some abnormal tissue. We were beyond happy with the news. The joy was cut short after a follow up scan and biopsy of the abnormal tissue showed my cancer was still very much active. Again I went for more test and started seeing drs in london in hopes to get surgery to remove the cancer. The Dr in london became our bearer of bad news. The next set of test not only showed that my cancer was still active but had spread to the outside of my cervix. This now became an issue and what I thought would be a simple hysterectomy was now looking like a full hysterectomy along with the removal of my bladder and bowels. The Dr sent me for yet more tests and discussed my case with the tumor board. The final test the Dr sent me for was a full body PET scan. The results were in and I had finally got my head around the thought of living without a bladder and bowel. Life was going to be hard but it was still life. Again the Dr in london became a bearer of bad news. The pet scan showed the cancer had spread further and I am now showing cancer in other parts of my body from not only my cervix but my diaphragm, aorta and a few other places. I no longer have the option for surgery. The Dr had to break the news to me that my only options is to continue chemotherapy to buy me more time without it I only have months left. My world came crumbling down. Dreams crushed. I am creating this page in hopes to cover my final expenses so my family does not get stuck with the burden/debt. Also so I know my children will have what they need when I am gone. If you are unable to donate please share and help reach our goal. God bless everyone and thank you from the bottom of my heart xo..