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Aubrey King Medical Benefit Fund

Donativo protegido
Aubrey was diagnosed with a brain tumor on May 16, 2005. She had brain surgery at the age of 3 and has been on and off chemotherapy for the past nine years. On June 9, 2015, she will be having another brain surgery at Mayo Clinic to "debulk" tumor that is currently compressing her brain stem.

She is about to graduate from 8th grade at Chaska Middle School East. Despite 10 years in treatment she has missed very little school and maintains A's and B's with zero intervention.  We are so incredibly proud of how hard she works and the attitude she keeps.

Every year since her diagnosis, Aubrey's medical bills, medical travel expenses, over the counter meds and therapy costs anywhere from $10,000-$15,000/year . Money that is raised here and placed into her benefit account will pay these bills directly.

If you prefer to donate directly to the account, checks made out to "Aubrey King Benefit" can be mailed to:

Klein Bank
Attn: Aubrey King Benefit Account
120 Pioneer Trail
Chaska, MN 55318

Thank you to those who already do so much for us, and to those who chose to help. Aubrey has had so many kind things done for her over the years, and we are truly grateful and humbled by the kindness in our community!


  • Janis Jaeger
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Tracy Behrens King
Chaska, MN

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