IL Union of the Homeless Winter Fundraiser
Tax deductible
You can make a difference by donating today to the Illinois Union of the Homeless through our fiscal agent, The Children's Earth Foundation. All donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS code 501(c)3.
Across the country, the National Union of the Homeless recognizes December 10th as the first action in our Winter Offensive. This year marks the 75th anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes housing as a human right, regardless of "unemployment, sickness, disability" or "circumstances beyond control." In the USA that declaration remains a hollow promise as millions toil under homelessness, in the midst of abundant vacant housing.
We will continue suffering homelessness until we build a movement strong enough to demand housing for all. To this end, we will use funds to support each other's winter survival, and in doing so, build collective understanding and strategy led by the homeless.
We hope you will join us for food, drinks, music and a celebration of our work in the struggle to realize Housing as a Human Right!
Illinois Union of the Homeless
Children's Earth Foundation