Foto principale della raccolta fondi

Mbele, Kenya Village Water Miracle

Donazione protetta
Last year we and a number of generous friends partnered with CHOICE Humanitarian to build school rooms and desks in a rural village called Mbele, two hours north of Mombasa, Kenya. Maurine (my wife) and I were there working hand-in-hand with these villagers. Now the people of this village have faces for us. They have identities. They have names. We recognize them like we would our own neighbors. They are brother and sister. They are our children.

We know Halima with her deep dimples (pictured above). She got inside of our hearts.

Having helped once in this little village, we could not forget these people who now have faces and names to us. We learned they need something even more basic than education. They need water. Their arid village, where so many of the homes are made of dried mud, has none.

Every ounce of water they drink, every drop they wash with, the women carry into the village on their heads in containers that carry up to 5 gallons or 40 pounds. The round trip is more than two miles. One load of wash alone requires five trips.

We have raised a good portion of the money needed for this project but are short some funds as you can see by our needs above.

Maurine and I have done hands-on humanitarian projects in Egypt, India, The Philippines and Kenya. We continue to try to help wherever we can. Will you help us finish this project in Mbele, Kenya. This is a forgotten village. We can't forget them.



  • Anonima
    • $25
    • 8 yrs
  • Bob and Carolyn Allen
    • $100 (Donazione offline)
    • 11 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $500 (Donazione offline)
    • 11 yrs


Scot Facer Proctor
Alpine, UT

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