Medical bills and Expenses
On October 11th when everybody was celebrating that the Lakers won my brother showed up there too but to take pictures with his camera. Anybody that knows my brother knows he likes to take pictures of everything. I know he wasn’t part of anything that he shouldn’t have been doing that night my brother just isn’t that type of person to just look for trouble. That being said he ended up being shot with a rubber bullet straight to his mouth that made him lose a big chunk of his lip as well as some of his teeth. My brother didn’t deserve this we’re all so devastated. My family and I want to thank everyone who has been asking about him, he’s currently still in the hospital! He has a lot of people who love and care for him! All donations will go to only medical bills and expenses etc... he is going to need surgery. If you can please repost, share or donate which ever works for you guys. Thank you, god bless.