4 Little Brazilians Orphans in Perth
A brazilian young couple has died in a car accident last Sunday, 12/02/2020. The family, including 3 kids, and Eduardo’s (father) parents were coming back from a day trip to Margaret River when the accident occurred. Sadly, the couple, Eduardo and Danielle did not survive, the kids, Rafael 2 months old, Anthony 3 years old, André 6 years old, and grandparents are safe.
We kindly ask your help with all the costs they will need to bring family from Brazil, visas and funeral
expenses, please any donation will help this family and make it less painful.
We, friends, the entire brazilian community, family and relatives are very thankful for your help.
Sunday, 12/01/2020
Três crianças acabaram de perder os jovens papais Eduardo (41y) e a mamãe Danielle (37y)
O acidente de carro aconteceu neste domingo a tarde, 12/01/2020, quando a família brasileira voltava de um bate volta de Margaret River para casa em Perth
O automóvel estava com sua capacidade máxima de 7 pessoas. A sra. Eunice e o Sr. Mauro (pais do Eduardo em férias) e as crianças estão todos internados em Perth e felizmente sem risco de Vida
Tornam se órfãs os filhos Rafael 0.2m (lactante), Anthony 3y, André 6y, João Miguel 15y
O valor estipulado de 50k e para ajudar a família com todos os gastos funerários, as crianças, família que tentará vir do Brasil com visto de emergência ja sob ciência da Embaixada Brasileira
The Funds raised in this campaing will be managed by 1 - closed friends Daniel and Cristiano, who was involved in the day of the car accident and assisting the family into hospital and funeral. Emotionally and mentally they was unable to start this campaign when the ask for Angel who is Fernanda to help start the fundraise.
2 - The funds will be expende priority with emergencies expenses (hospital bills, food, emergency bills, emergency flights for the family, school and if need to payout their mortgage). 3- The funds will be handle to the family according to the necessity.
Facebook da Dani e Eduardo
Notícia na TV domingo 12/01/2020