Originally, we made "pathobot" to help connect pathologists worldwide on social media who had similar patient cases.
We're really grateful for this success. To give back, we'll 3D-print a "pathobox" for you or a pathologist colleague, e.g. to mount their smartphone/camera/iPad/etc to their microscope.
Donations cover 3D printing and shipping costs, particularly to get these pathoboxes to pathologists in developing countries. Through pathobot and pathobox, we aim to make it easier for pathologists in low-resource hospitals to connect with colleagues worldwide, to educate one another and build broader consensus on the next steps in any patient's care. If you use pathobot, pathobox, pathopan, etc you agree to the Terms of Use:
Some past pathobox shipments of ours to colleagues:
To read more about our work, check out some great blogs and press stories:
1. https://digitalpathologyassociation.org/blog/finding-similar-pathology-cases-on-social-media-and-pubmed-via-a-helpful-pathobot-with-an-eye-towards-covid-19/
2. https://thepathologist.com/inside-the-lab/pathologists-and-ai-working-together
3. https://www.captodayonline.com/newsbytes-1020/
To coordinate with us who should receive pathoboxes etc, please contact us or reach out on Twitter:
To learn how to put a pathobox on a microscope, and how to use our pathopan software to make a "panorama" of photomicrographs with pathobox, check out our YouTube videos. Pathobox is a universal mounting system, to mount pretty much any type of camera to a binocular microscope, e.g. a smartphone, a compact flash camera, or an iPad. The first video shows this is more detail. Anecdotally, it seems pathologists also use pathobox for video conferencing. Trainees seem to like pathobox because they may not otherwise have access to a microscope-mounted camera, for discussing cases. Let us know how pathobox works for you!
Let's get a smartphone on every microscope and help each other out!