My name is "Remy" (short for Remington) and I am one of the luckiest dogs alive! Before I met my forever mom and dad, people were not very nice to me. When I was a very young puppy, some not so nice people broke my jaw and it never got fixed. Thanks to Golden Huggs Rescue I was rescued and moved to a very loving home with Michelle and Chuck in Portland Maine! My life is now filled with joy and love and I got united with my brother Wyatt who also lives in Maine! Although I can open it just enough to get the food and water I need right now, as I continue to get bigger, my doctor says that my jaw will soon not be able to open and I won't be able to eat or drink. He tells my mom and dad that I need surgery to fix it and help ensure I can have all the food, water and treats I need to be able to live a long healthy life! This surgery to fix my mouth is very expensive and my mom and dad need some help so I can get it done.