Deprese Bady here, I've longed to be a working actor, and having this opportunity to work on a show of my own development is truly a dream come true. Working alongside other aspiring actors is what drives me to make this show successful. Now more than ever we hold the powerful medium of television programming in our hands. Literally with our cellular devices and through streaming we have the ability to select not only what we choose to watch but also when. I'm asking for YOUR support to help produce a GREAT show that has so much potential. Fresh faces and a crazy concept, can only lead to some surprisingly good quality programming. We are prepared to shoot five episodes with the money we hope to raise. And we will continue to pursue major networks in hope of being produced and funded. BETTER OFF is a show that many will be able to relate to and/or be inspired by. Your monetary donations could help make some deserving actors dreams come true... "All We Need Is You"