Rios Medical bills and some heat
Donation protected
Hello my name is jessica and i'm making this for my son and I, Horatio.
We have had a rough few years to be rather honest we have moved way more than anyone really should have to put their kid threw. I'm a single mother of a awsome 7 year old boy and i'm not really looking forward to going about it this way but in feb.23 of this year 2015 my son was at a party and ended up getting horribly hurt his wrist got hurt by getting cut really almost enough to cause nerv damnage with a lot of pain releavier and stapples at the E.R. assuming our insurance was going to cover it because of it being an honest freak accident we were wrong alot of trips to the e.r. for check ups do to possible infections ect.
we recently got a horrid bill saying our insurance Said No they will not cover it do to it being at someones private home and that they have renters insurance, thats what its for so have the home owners give us the information unless i can give them $500 to cover there deductable it isnt going to happen. at said time i was in a relationship with the father of the kids that are in foster care and we went to be supportive and to give a little girl a fun good birthday party and in the end we got stuck rushing to the e.r. with a slit wrist do to someone puhing horatio which he attempted to catch his balance by putting his arm up which ended up going threw a very old glass pannel door . I am no longer in said relationship because it was not a healthy or safe place for my son or myself so we arent getting any help with the 3,500 bill we recently got in the mail
this is a tone of stuff stuffed into one thing not only are we looking for help with the medical bill but we are also looking for help with our electric bill as i said before i'm a single mother and i get some state help but thats only for food and insurance which honestly doesnt seem to do much when there is any actual medical attention needed
we have had a really hard year and we are offically safe in our own home me and Rio (and our pets frank an skeletor - the fur pigs :) ) so with that being said i could probably write a whole book on all the hell ( emontional, physical, mental, verbal abuse )we've honestly been threw but i'd rather not seek help and get it out of pitty
we are looking for $400 for our electric bill which our home is all on electric heat , lights everything ( we dont qualify for Liheap for some reason i've tried )
and something anything really to help with the bill
for horatios medical emergancy this year which comes out to be 3,500
in total trying to raise 4000 i know this is a long shot but
i know there has to be someone out there thats willing to help us with something if not the medical bill atleast help us stay warm this winter to come !!
thanks and god bless for anyone who takes the time to read this
Jessica and horatio
We have had a rough few years to be rather honest we have moved way more than anyone really should have to put their kid threw. I'm a single mother of a awsome 7 year old boy and i'm not really looking forward to going about it this way but in feb.23 of this year 2015 my son was at a party and ended up getting horribly hurt his wrist got hurt by getting cut really almost enough to cause nerv damnage with a lot of pain releavier and stapples at the E.R. assuming our insurance was going to cover it because of it being an honest freak accident we were wrong alot of trips to the e.r. for check ups do to possible infections ect.
we recently got a horrid bill saying our insurance Said No they will not cover it do to it being at someones private home and that they have renters insurance, thats what its for so have the home owners give us the information unless i can give them $500 to cover there deductable it isnt going to happen. at said time i was in a relationship with the father of the kids that are in foster care and we went to be supportive and to give a little girl a fun good birthday party and in the end we got stuck rushing to the e.r. with a slit wrist do to someone puhing horatio which he attempted to catch his balance by putting his arm up which ended up going threw a very old glass pannel door . I am no longer in said relationship because it was not a healthy or safe place for my son or myself so we arent getting any help with the 3,500 bill we recently got in the mail
this is a tone of stuff stuffed into one thing not only are we looking for help with the medical bill but we are also looking for help with our electric bill as i said before i'm a single mother and i get some state help but thats only for food and insurance which honestly doesnt seem to do much when there is any actual medical attention needed
we have had a really hard year and we are offically safe in our own home me and Rio (and our pets frank an skeletor - the fur pigs :) ) so with that being said i could probably write a whole book on all the hell ( emontional, physical, mental, verbal abuse )we've honestly been threw but i'd rather not seek help and get it out of pitty
we are looking for $400 for our electric bill which our home is all on electric heat , lights everything ( we dont qualify for Liheap for some reason i've tried )
and something anything really to help with the bill
for horatios medical emergancy this year which comes out to be 3,500
in total trying to raise 4000 i know this is a long shot but
i know there has to be someone out there thats willing to help us with something if not the medical bill atleast help us stay warm this winter to come !!
thanks and god bless for anyone who takes the time to read this
Jessica and horatio

Horatio Clinton
DeKalb, IL