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Polo's Medical Fund

Spende geschützt
My brother was disturbed to find his family dog, Polo,  suffering from a facial gunshot wound at his home this morning. His 12 year old black Labrador Retriever's tongue  was severely lacerated and several teeth were shattered as well as part of her jaw. Part of the bullet fragments were found in her stomach and throughout her  mouth shown through the xrays.

Polo underwent a 5 hour dental surgery today to remove bullet fragments and restructure her mouth. She is currently under an IV drip and is looking to make a hopeful recovery. 

100% of the funds will be used to cover Veterinary and medical care.

Thank you to the great staff at VRCC - Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Hospital and Apex Dog and Cat Dentistry, both in Englewood, for taking good care of Polo.

We are grateful for your donations to cover these unexpected and unfortunate expenses.


  • Suzanne Wright
    • $20
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Danette Hackett Goldhammer
Englewood, CO
Eric Hackett

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