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Jeff Price Cancer Journey

Doação protegida
STAGE 4 COLON CANCER JOURNEY: No Decision on SSDI!!~Dec. 13 had treatment, Dec. 18th go for scan then follow up January and they are stopping treatments for while. We aren’t sure how we feel about this right now. Treatment Nov. 20, hubby been tired and not feeling well. Treatment October 30, continue not much change. Treatment October 9th. treatment was September 18th not much has changed. Update: August 31st had appointment with cancer doctor and decided to continue cancer treatments at 50% strength. Treatment. His social security on hold since their protocol have to give it time to see if chemo working. So frustrating we have have stage 4 colon cancer.
Update: treatment cut to 50% see how he does this week and next week. Monday is next appointment will update everyone then.

This man right here has been my rock since I meet him and married him two weeks later. We will be celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary September this year. Our life has been turned completely upside down this year.

Here’s a little about our story December 2022 at lay off day was last day Jeff sat in dump truck doing job he loved for 22 years. January went routine check up he was diagnosed with reoccurrence of colon/bladder done temporary surgery in February until could get all 3 surgeons on board for major surgery in April since other location’s compromised also. We spent few weeks at Indy after each surgery. Only to find out end of May he is at Stage IV Colon Cancer and would have to start chemotherapy for 6 months. Have multiple follow up appointments in Indy in upcoming months plus trips to receive treatments. We have applied for Social Security but it’s a process all in its own. He has done two treatments first one ended up in hospital for week and had second one been to Oncologist for fluids and still sick. Next treatment week after next.

We don’t like asking for help, but not sure what else to do at this point, we have depleted our funds between bills, medication not covered by insurance, car maintenance to get back forth to appointments, groceries, and household necessities. Jeff hates not being able to be in dump truck working beside friends/coworkers while working out of Teamster Local 135 for 22 years and at Wabash Valley Asphalt/Milestone/MS Transport for 8 years. This Go Fund Me is simply an opportunity for us to shower him with generosity in such a time of challenge and great need. Any assistance would mean the world to him and family. Thank you for you time reading, thank you for donations, if not able to donation we completely understand. Keep us in prayers as we continue his fight is our fight with him through this journey. Have a blessed day/evening.


  • Nathan Martin
    • $100
    • 9 mos
  • Constance Lovellette
    • $100
    • 9 mos
  • Gena Britton
    • $25
    • 9 mos
  • Diana Jones
    • $50
    • 9 mos
  • Jan Collins
    • $50
    • 10 mos


Christina Price
Clinton, IN

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