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" I am strong" -- Braeden Little

Spende geschützt
Braeden Little is an amazing, strong young man inside and out. He is driven, determined and has a "no quit" attitude in all of life's challenges. On April 7th, Braeden was in a terrible car accident sustaining injuries that placed him on a ventilator in ICU. We believe in prayer and miracles. We are happy to say that although he has more work to do, he is making amazing progress. We have seen him endure the process with profound courage and a strength that has humbled all of those around him.

He is a 2016 graduate from University High School in Spokane with a high school diploma and an Associates Degree from Spokane Community College. He was also a committed club soccer player for FC Spokane.

Currently, Braeden is a freshman at Washington State University majoring in finance and playing on the WSU soccer team. (GO COUGS!!)

He has unwavering determination to continue on despite this speed bump and certify into his educational program. His goal in rehab is 101% (always more than expected.)

He is currently still hospitalized and has a long road of physical recovery. Medical costs, expenses related to his accident, lost wages for himself which pays for his education, and lost wages of his family for basic needs remain an obstacle. Please consider putting a little wind in his sail to continue on and achieve his goals.


  • Michael Marshall
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Paula Little
Spokane, WA
Braeden Little

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