Maisha’s Emergency Appeal for Yemen
I pray everyone is in the best of health.
Whilst being regarded as the biggest humanitarian crisis as declared by UNICEF, Yemen is not a humanitarian crisis. Imposing it as a humanitarian crisis ignores that Yemen is in fact a direct product of imperialist violence and it is the children of Yemen who are being affected the most.
I pray Allah SWT accepts your donation and may He accept all our intentions. Just because Ramadan is over doesn’t mean we should stop donating!!!
Prophet Muhammed ﷺ once said: “protect yourself from hellfire even by giving a half of a date as charity”. [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]
£20 Emergency Family Food Pack (feed a family of four for a month)
£100 to provide 250 meals
JazakAllah khair in advance for your contribution and insha’Allah we can help those in need. Yemen needs our help.