Fundraiser for Compassionate Care Network
Tax deductible
Want to join us in making a difference?
We are raising money for Compassionate Care Network, a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in Chicago committed to reducing health disparities in America. Our mission at CCN is to provide affordable healthcare access, health awareness and public health advocacy for underserved communities.
We have a network of over 200+ providers for the uninsured and underinsured.
Compassionate Care Network assisted tens of thousands of underserved and at-risk individuals with life-saving vaccines during the pandemic.
Despite our continued services, CCN has not been able to have its annual fundraising banquet because of the pandemic. So we are reaching out to you now for support. We need your help to increase and sustain CCN’s impactful work in interfaith and multicultural communities. Join us.
What your previous donations have led to:
- Free weekly Health Screenings
- Community-Based Food Insecurity Project
- Free COVID-19 Testing
- Free COVID-19 Vaccination Events
- Free Flu Shots
- Affordable Health Care
- Education on Health Insurance Options
Mentoring medical and nursing student volunteers to understand the public health issues and inequalities we face.
Launching a Diabetes Management Workshop based on educating participants on a Plant-Based Diet.
Expanding the network of providers now to include Charity Clinics
None of this could have happened without your support. With your generous contributions like yours, we hope to continue serving diverse communities equitably and culturally competently.
To learn more about Compassionate Care Network and how you can help, please visit or visit our social media platform:
Compassionate Care Network
Chicago, IL
Compassionate Care Network (CCN)