En Memoria: Jaime de la Cruz
Donation protected
Dear, Friends
We are deeply saddened to announce, on January 1, 2024 we lost an incredible human being, Jaime De la Cruz at the age of 42. We kindly ask for your support, as his wife and children are now facing the challenging journey without him.
The GoFund me page was initially created to relieve some financial burden during Jaime hospitalization. Due to his unexpected departure all the funds raised will be directed towards covering funeral expenses and the aftermath of losing a loved one.
Your contribution will be able to provide some support to his wife, who is now the sole caregiver and provider of five children.
Your kindness and compassion are deeply appreciated by our family. Thank you to everyone who has already donated, any small donation makes a big impact. Please continue sharing.
Queridos amigos
Con mucha tristeza nos toca informales que Jaime fallecio, Enero, 1, 2024 ala edad de 42. Nosotros le pedimos su ayuda durante estos momentos para seguir apoyando a su esposa y cinco hijos que estan atravezando una gran perdida.
Inicialmente, esta pagina fue creada para que sea un alivio economico para la familia, durante la hospitalisacion de Jaime. Debido ala inesperada partida de Jaime, todas las nuevas donaciones van directamente a los gastos funebres y todo los gastos que se acumulan despues de una perdida de un ser querido.
Su contrubucion hara una gran diferencia, para ayudar a su esposa que sera la unica proveedora de su numerosa familia.
De corazon, agradecemos a todos por sus generosas donaciones. Cada donacion hara una gran diferencia. Porfavor sigan, conpatiendo esta pagina. Y las personas que an donado muchisimas gracias.

On behalf of our family, we would like to ask for any small donations to help our uncle during this time.
On November 28th we received tragic news, my uncle Jaime De la Cruz suffered a brain hemorrhage and was airlifted by helicopter from Mason General Hospital (Shelton) to Seattle Hospital. Jaime was transported to Seattle Harborview Medical Hospital due to experiencing numbness and having stroke like symptoms. It was later confirmed by the neurologist that he suffered a brain hemorrhage which is (internal bleeding). As he continues to receive medical attention in the ICU unit, we do know that he is in critical condition, and he is unresponsive because he is in coma. As our family is trying to cope with the unexpected, and heartbreaking reality, we would like to ask for your contribution as we trying to prepare for what it is to come. This is a long road ahead for my uncle, and his wife and children.
Jaime is a beloved husband and father of five children. He is an incredible human being that works hard to provide for his family. He loves to play soccer and dance at every family gathering. This thanksgiving, he was so grateful to be 42 and to be surrounded by loved ones and friends.
As there so much unknown to be ahead, we do ask that during this time you share his story as this is a huge financial setback for his family.
We ask for your prayers, thank you.
De parte, de nuestra familia queremos pedir su ayuda con una pequena donacion durante estos momentos dificiles.
En Noviembre 28th, mi tio Jaime De la Cruz sufrio un derrame cerebral. El fue transladado al hospital de Shelton, Mason general al hospital de Seattle. Fue confirmado por el doctor, el neurologo que, Jaime esta en estado tan critico que cayo en coma. Ahorita, nuestra familia esta tratando de navegar esta nueva y triste realidad. Estamos tratando lo mejor de prepararnos para lo que se acontese. Este es un camino muy largo para mi tio, su esposa y sus pequenos hijos.
Jaime es una persona increible muy generoso y querido por la communidad. Jaime es esposo y padre, que trabaja dia a dia para sostener a su familia. El ama el doporte, y jugar futbol es su pasion y pasarla con la familia en dias festivos bailando era lo que lo hacia muy feliz. El dia de accion de gracias, el estubo muy agradecido por aver cumplido 42 y estar rodiado de familiares y amigos.
Como no sabesmos que pueda pasar, le pedimos que comparta esta historia para poder ayudar a su esposa y hijos durante estos momentos tan dificiles. Su contribucion podra aliviar ala familia con los gastos medicos y su recuperacion.
Pedimos por sus oraciones, y que comportan su historia.
Claudia Loza
Shelton, WA