Debbie Muir
54 years ago when we were 10, I met my best friend, Debbie Muir. I
rode her home on my bike that day, she has been my co-pilot ever
since. We have had many amazing journeys in our life that have given me more memories that one human being should be blessed with. But I
have. Now we are beginning a new journey together, one that I hate we are going to endure, but one that will continue with our strong
friendship. I will not leave her side.
Debbie has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She is in need of more testing this week and she is looking at receiving medical care during
this journey. She has no insurance and isn't eligible for Medicare until
I know that she has touched so many lives through the years and now I
ask that you give back. Please help to fund these days of her life so she can enjoy more great times with those around her. If everyone
donated just $20 that could make a huge impact on her medical care.
$20 that many of us spend every day on Starbucks and lunch.
Please help. She deserves this.
Thank you
Sue Winchester