4 Suns Fresh Juice Relief Fund
On January 4th, the 1 month anniversary of 4 Suns Fresh Juice opening, we
learned our beloved owner,
Gabrielle J. Walker, tested positive for SARS-Coronavirus-2.
We immediately contacted the City of
Evanston Health Department for
consultation. We have decided to
temporarily close 4 Suns Fresh Juice
allowing us time to ensure the health and
speedy recovery of our staff & to
properly sanitize our shop.
We are overwhelmed by the love &
patronage OUR community has given us
during these first weeks open.
We are most concerned about our staff &
their families staying afloat during
these uncertain times.
We ask for any contribution towards our
goal of raising $10,000. This will allow us
to recoup our losses, supplement any accrued medical expenses, staff wages lost, and help us all maintain until we can reopen our
We thank you & are ever grateful for your
The Team at 4 Suns