4 Walls Home in Nicaragua
Tax deductible
The Haslams are headed to Nicaragua in December to help build a house and to reconnect with our daughter Meghan’s Peace Corps community.
During her Peace Corps service, Meghan started the 4 Walls Project . Its mission is to change the lives of families in El Sauce, Nicaragua, by building safe and sturdy homes for families in need. 4 Walls works to go beyond a simple donation to make connections between donors and families, building better lives and a more caring world.
We’ve been eager to help build a house, and now we can go with Meghan and her husband. We need your help! It costs about $2,800 to build a 4 Walls house.
The before and after are beyond anything we can imagine in our communities.
A house in El Sauce before 4 Walls
Completed 4 Walls House
Whatever your capacity, you can make a difference. All donations are tax-deductible. Please note that 4 Walls receives donations through a parent organization, the non-profit Journeys of Solutions. You can note “4 Walls Haslam” in your donation's Add a Message line.
$15 = a bag of cement
$20 = 100 bricks
$100 = enough bricks for a wall
$150 = a door
$500 = a roof
$2800 = a whole house (including wages for a Nicaraguan bricklayer)
For more information about this project, go to 4Walls Project.
Leslie Haslam
Exeter, NH
Journeys of Solutions, Inc.